Come out wherever you are~||Murd Time Trio x Classic

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Request by Depresso-Boi-Classic

Fluff and smut





Idk this song really fits the ship! Don't judge me! Or do.......

Classic's POV:

I was running down the hall to my room afraid of what I was seeing. There were three figures of Sans's popping up out of nowhere all around me. This happens every night Papyrus leaves to sleep at someone's house or trains late. I tripped over myself hearing footsteps of the three figures coming from different directions. I quickly got up running to my room and locked the door then grabbed a few things pushing them in front of it. I sat inside of my walk-in closet and burried myslef in some clothesthst were lyingon the floor. I could not hear footsteps anymore and I sighed in relief thankfully sitting up in my bed knowing it was just another nightmare. My door opened slowly revealing nothing but the dark and empty hallway. My bedroom lights turned on and three figured were standing infront of me. The three figures I soon realizedwere Horror, Dust, and Killer or known as 'Murder Time Trio.' I scooted back on my bed and they each took a step forward one by one. I flitched when they came closer.

"C'mon Classy dont be afraid~" Killer said.

"W-What do you want from me?!" I asked.

"We want you of course!" Horror said.

"We want you to love us. Be ours Classic and we'll give you a 'good time'" Dust said.


All three of them teleported to my side and surrounded me. They stared at me with lust filled eyes and blush lightly coated their faces. Somehow it was kind of dreamy how they were acting towards me. Almost everything in my whole body wanted to kick them away but one part wanted them to stay and that part kept growing stronger.   

"Horror why don't you go get the 'stuff we brought with us while we 'help' undress Classic~"

"On it."

Horror got of the bed and our of my room but it wasn't long till he came with a cardboard box. He started opening it as the other two starting undressing me. I got scared for what was coming but I was almost about to make crying noises till Dust shushed me. All my clothes were off except my white t-shirt. Horror came back over with an assortment of 'toys' which made Dust and Killer very happy. There were containers of lube, ropes, gags, vibrators, and much more. I whimpered as all three of them grabbed something to use on me. Just starring at the toys turned me on in a weird way. I wasn't ready for any of this but that part of me wanted them to use them right away. Dust had a gag, Killer had a vibrator, and Horror had rope. Horror came to the back of me and tied my hands together then shoved his dick into me making me let out a short scream of pain. Horror used his hands to move my waist and shift them all around while Dust put the gag over my mouth. Killer turned on the vibrator and put it near my front end just to scare me. I tried screaming and kicked but that only made things worse because every time I moved my legs I felt Horror get deeper inside me. Killer put the vibrator inside me and kissed my neck while switching it from max to off and Dust went to the back by Horror. 

 ~an hour later~

Each of them has their chance of fucking me while the other two fucked each other. At this point I was getting tired of trying to fight them and gave in to them. The gag was out of my mouth allowing me to moan and beg for them to keep going. I guess that part of me that wanted them grew bigger and eventually took over. I was actually starting to enjoy this and I was falling in love with them. After we finished they took me with them but allowed me to leave a note for Papyrus and the rest of my friends. I took Dust's hand and they teleported me to their mansion where the rest of the bad guys waited. I dont think the others knew about our secret sex session....but if they did they accepted it only if they were still able to do their jobs.

Welp. That's the end! I know Classic was supposed to get kidnapped but I couldnt write that XD sorry. 

If you want anything changed I'm happy to do that for you and thank you for your request Depresso-Boi-Classic

And here's the note:

Dear Papyrus,

I'm sorry but I have to leave you and the rest of my friends....I joined a gang I guess last minute hehe! Anyways I will not be returning to see you for the next few years or maybe even never. But just know I love you bro and you can still call me whenever you'd like! 

Love you!


PS: Tell Grillby the payment for my tab is in my dresser lol

Words: 857

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