Chapter 21

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Katniss' POV

"So, what's your plan?" Percy asked, handing Katniss some ambrosia, nectar, and water which she stuffed unceremoniously into the duffel bag on her bunk.

"Thanks, and...I'm not entirely sure yet. I'm going to Olympus, welcome or not, and I'm going to give that god Zeus a piece of my mind." Katniss said, sweeping her freshly braided hair over her shoulder.

Percy scoffed, shaking his head. "Look, going up to Olympus to confront Apollo is one thing. But 'that god' Zeus? He's kind of not someone you want to get on the bad side of, believe me."

Up until now Katniss had been keeping her eyes down, focusing on packing. Plus, she was a little embarrassed about the scene Percy had walked in on. She wasn't the biggest fan of sharing her emotions, but she knew Percy had seen his share of horror too. She met his gaze.

"I get it if you don't want to come anymore, with Annabeth being back and all now," she said softly.

Percy gave Katniss a sideways smile. "Annabeth and I were really only meaning to visit camp for the summer before we head off for Los Angeles to stay in New Rome. We had a whole road trip planned with Grover and everything. But...well, demigod life is tricky. You can't always follow your plans to a T because the Fates usually have other ideas, which usually involve a few near death experiences here and there. We were hoping to escape any more of those damn quests, but here we are..." He ran his hand through his dark hair, exhaling deeply.

"Right, so I shouldn't trouble you with yet another detour. I get it," Katniss said.

"Gods no, that's not my point!" Percy said, exasperated. "All I'm saying is, sometimes there's no escaping the life we have to live because of who our parents are. I may be moving on from Camp Half Blood, but that doesn't mean I'm turning my back on the place that made me who I am today, the person I was meant to be. Before I came to camp, I felt like I was nobody, a loser. But when my eyes were opened to this crazy world of gods and monsters, I found a whole family of people who were just like me. No matter what happens, no one can take that away from us. Besides, what's one more detour? It's not like I was expecting our road trip to be smooth sailing anyway, then it wouldn't be any fun. And my dad may be able to help us out, Zeus being his bro and all. Or at least he might be able to prevent Zeus from electrocuting us."

Katniss studied Percy. When she first met him, he had come off as goofy and easy going. But the more she talked to him the more she could see that he really meant what he was saying. He had been thrown into this life like all the other demigods, but he had adapted and made the best of his situation. Whatever struggles he'd encountered seemed not to bog him down but only to make him stronger.

"How do you do that? Just, stay so positive with everything that's happening?" Katniss asked him incredulously.

Percy's green eyes darkened and his expression turned serious. "A lot of bad things have happened in my life. Some of them are hard to think about. If I dwelled on them too long I think I'd probably lose it. Friends I've lost, mistakes I've made...yeah, it's a lot. But, that's what I've been trying to say. Everyone here gets it, because we experienced a lot of those things together. Heck, we just fought a war together. We're family, and Will Solace reminded me of that recently. We all need each other."

Katniss smiled. "Will, brother. He's pretty smart, isn't he?"

"Damn right I am, unlike you two!"

Will Solace was standing in the doorway of the Apollo cabin, his hands planted on his hips. "Now will you both hurry up and come to the infirmary so I can stock you with some proper medical supplies?"

"We're just going for a quick trip up to Olympus, not to the Labyrinth or something, Will. Is that really necessary?" Percy said.

Will rolled his eyes. "Doctor's orders. If you insist on going up there to poke the grizzly bear that is Zeus, you better be prepared when he slaps one or both of you across his shiny palace! And besides, Katniss, dear sister, do you really think I would let you leave without saying goodbye?"

Katniss didn't know how to respond. "Um--"

"That's a 'no'. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go make sure my zombie boyfriend isn't also trying to do anything stupid," Will said before turning on his heels and marching away towards the infirmary.

Katniss looked at Percy. "What just happened?"

Percy laughed. "We just got scolded by a 15 year old doctor, that's what. Come on, we better go."


New York City. Katniss had never even heard of such a place, and yet here it was. And there were so many people! How had she not known about it? It seemed all of Panem had crammed itself into this one city. In vehicles of every shape and size, on the streets, and in the buildings, each one more impressive than all of the ones she'd seen at the Capitol. It was so busy and there was so much to see that Katniss had to just stop and take it in for a minute. Apparently, though, she chose the wrong place to pause because a bright yellow car blared its horn at her and zipped around her left side, shaking her from her state of awe.

"Hey, watch out, there! I didn't realize you weren't still behind me." Percy grabbed Katniss' sleeve and pulled her across the street to the sidewalk. "I take it you've, uh, never been to New York before?"

Katniss shook her head. "Not exactly what cities look like back home."

Percy looked like he wanted to ask more, but he just nodded and pointed to an impressive building down the street they were on. "Right. Okay, well the Empire State is right there. Just let me do the talking and we'll be up to Olympus in no time."

Katniss was confused. " you mean this place isn't the home of the gods right here?"

Percy grinned, "Nah, NYC is a 100% human masterpiece. The gods live way up there." He pointed to the sky.

"Sure, why not." Katniss said, following Percy as he made his way toward the skyscraper.

As they entered the building, Percy walked right up to the front desk like he owned the place.

"Hey man, 600th floor please. You want to see the pen trick again or are we good?" Percy produced a very nonthreatening-looking ballpoint pen and wiggled it between his fingers.

The security guard at the front desk grunted. "No, no need for magic tricks today Mr Jackson. Who's the girl?"

Katniss had been hanging back but at the man's comment she surged forward in anger.

"That's Ms Everdeen to you, mister, and I'm with Perc--er, Mr Jackson."

The guard seemed unconvinced and looked at Percy.

"Yeah, Ms Everdeen's with me," Percy said, smiling at the security guard.

"Whatever. I suppose you have official business to be traveling to Mt Olympus for?"

"Yep," Percy said, not missing a beat. "Gotta deliver a message to my dad from my brother Tyson in his forges. Why they don't just Iris-message or something, I don't know. But hey, when a cyclops has something important to tell his dad Poseidon, you'd be amazed how well he can pull off puppy dog eyes with only one eye."

The security guard shrugged. "Guess I'll take your word for it. Go on up."

"Thanks man!" Percy stuck out his fist for a fist bump, to which the security guard obliged.

Katniss waited until they were in the elevator before she asked, "What was that all about? Mr Jackson? And you have a--a cyclops for a brother?"

Percy rubbed the back of his neck. "Being a kid of the Big Three who's helped save the world a few times has its benefits. And, yeah, my brother Tyson."

Katniss sighed. "This just gets weirder and weirder."

"Oh, just wait until you see Olympus. All kinds of weird stuff up there. I remember the first time I—" Percy was cut off by a sharp DING as the elevator indicated they had reached the 600th floor, the doors sliding open smoothly.

"Well, I guess you'll see for yourself. Come on, let's go pay my uncle and your grandpa a visit."

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