Finding my Prince... Uh, is that supposed to be him? 15!!!!!

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Chapter 15

The next week was just training, training and more freaking training! Today I actually feel like shooting myself... The two ditzy girls Ashley hired were really getting on my nerves. I heard their idiotic giggling and my knuckles turned white from how hard I was clenching them.

"Don't break a bone," Jeremy said, sitting next to me.

"Shouldn't you be working?" I said through grinding teeth. He took my hands and flattened them out so they weren't fists anymore.

"I'm taking a break, a guy can only lift so much," He said. I laughed and pointed out that I did more than that by myself.

"You're such a wuss," I joked, pushing him a little.

"What's that?" He pointed to my left hand. We had become close friends since he started working and I was surprised he only noticed now.

"It's a ring," I said... Oh, right. He still hasn't met Damon. Well, there's a first time for everything.

"What kind of ring?" He inquired further.

"Engagement," I said, starting a sketch of a new design. Jeremy looked genuinely surprised.

"Really? Who's the lucky guy?" He asked sitting forward. I laughed, sometimes I questioned his sanity... And if he was gay or not.

"Uh, my fiancé?" I said vaguely.

"WHO!?" He yelled.

"Jeez Jer, calm down, It's a guy named Damon," I answered. He nodded for me to go on.

"Damon Salvatore," I said. His eyes went wide. I was really confused as to how they knew each other.

"THE Damon Salvatore? Man whore extraordinaire?" He said. I laughed and nodded.

"He's changed so much, you don't even know Jeremy," I said, not lifting my eyes from the paper until he snatched it away.

"So, how did you two even meet?" He asked. I sighed and told him the vaguest thing I could.

"He saved me from getting mugged once and we just kept running into each other, I guess he kept coming back only because I never give him what he wants," I said, resting my chin in my palms. I raked my hands through my silver hair trying to make it cooperate and stop falling in my face. Jeremy laughed and continued with his interrogation.

"Where did he propose?" He asked, incredibly interested. And I'm still questioning if he's gay or not...

"On the beach," I said and tried to grab my sketch back. I gave up after about five minutes and started on another order I had. Jeremy ended up going back to work but I just stayed to spray the bottom layer on the board. It was the most disgusting colour... Pink. Ugh, The girl who ordered it was one of those bitches you see running around in hundred dollar swimsuits and never wants to get it wet. They might as well be made of those bills themselves. My mind wandered to what Damon was doing... What does he do when I'm not home? Oh god, I'm so frightened. I finished up with the disgusting board and left it to dry... What to do now? Maybe I should go check on Jeremy. Just as I left the safety of my paint room and onto the floor I was abducted. Anyone who just bet twenty dollars that I screamed as loud as humanly possibly was correct. I was dropped and Damon covered his ears. I looked up at him from the floor and started laughing to myself.

"Jesus Christ Serena! One of these days you're going to permanently damage me," He complained.

"Sorry D!" I said running over to him and wrapping my small arms around his shoulders. I could feel Jeremy staring so I pressed my lips to Damon's. When I turned back to Jeremy his jaw was on the floor.

Finding my Prince... Uh, is that supposed to be him? (Vampire diaries)Where stories live. Discover now