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  Yoongi woke up alone.

  Which was okay, even though his mother didn't wake him up for dinner, and it was nearly three in the morning when he woke up. He had a long, good nap. Probably because the scent. Probably because Jungkook basically pet him to sleep. And probably because he was so tired from the stressful day yesterday.

  Either way, Yoongi woke up without Jungkook next to his side. But a note. A little note placed on the bed, where Jungkook had been lying down next to Yoongi.

  Yoongi could barely see in his room, so he turned on his lamp so that he could open the folded paper and read it to himself.

  [ Yoongi. Hi

  In case you didn't notice, this letter is from your most loving soulmate and I'm writing this letter because you fell asleep +Also because I'm a little too shy to say anything to you in person..... ㅠㅡㅠ Anyways

  First of all, you're really pretty Yoongi. Just seeing you every morning makes me feel so happy. Shouldnt you feel this way as well? Or is it only me?? Anyways... um

  I really like your smile. And your eyes are so cute like a cat. Now that Im thinking about it, you look like this emoji: -ㅅ- haha

  God I'm so bad at writing letters

  You're really cute cuddled into your pillow.. You look so peaceful and pretty. I hope you have a good nap. I know you said that today sucked and clearly you were tired...

  I'm sorry that I made your day bad.

  I know it was because of me. And I know I was dumb for thinking I could scent you when I have a girlfriend... I know it must hurt you Yoongi. It hurts me too. I've spent my whole childhood wishing to find my soulmate and I actually found you. That's a rare thing that happens, you know...

  I'm breaking up with her. It's fate, Yoongi. We can't go against it right??

  Is that what you want?

  Why am I talking like this...

  I'll see you at school tomorrow ]

  Yoongi held so tightly onto his pillow it hurt. He squealed to himself, silently celebrating the letter in his hands. Finally Jungkook understands. Finally he makes the choice.

  Now how the hell will Yoongi go back to sleep after reading all of this?


Walking into the school building the next day felt absolutely weird. Yoongi could feel an odd burning in his lower stomach on top of feeling nervous for some reason. He guesses it's because of only himself, because the students in the school had finally stopped staring at him so much. The reason he's nervous is because of Jungkook. He doesn't know why.

It's just that feeling, the doubt deep within Yoongi. The being scared of what's real.

Did Jungkook mean all the things he wrote in that note? Had he actually sat in Yoongi's room and written a letter to him because he was too scared to speak in person? He actually thought Yoongi was cute? Was he seriously going to break up with Yuri?

The thoughts and the letter were in Yoongi's mind. He couldn't even go back to sleep last night. There was leftovers for him in the fridge, but he couldn't find it in himself to eat.

"Yoongi!" A familiar voice came from down the hallway. Yoongi turned around, seeing Namjoon walk towards him that that warm smile he loves to offer. "Hey." He caught up to Yoongi. "Our teacher told me to mention this to you yesterday, but I forgot. We have a project coming up soon and it requires a pass to the library down the street. I wanted to know if you already had one."

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