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/Mentions/ of Rape, Murder, Pills

"Oh, hi Yoongi!"

Yoongi felt so much better. Finally, after a full day of not having anyone he knew in his classes, he finally meets a familiar face. That same dimpled, warm smile and nice opening arms, sitting in the classroom.

"Namjoon." Yoongi smiled. "Thank God you're in this class. I've been alone nearly all day." He stood awkwardly in front of Namjoon, who waved for him to sit down.

"Nobody sits here." Namjoon said. "You can sit next to me. I'm glad you actually remembered me, anyways." He said. Yoongi gladly took the seat. He can see why Seokjin has such a crush on a nice guy like this.

As he was putting his bag on his desk, he noticed someone walking in the room. Instantly, he looked up, knowing who it was before he even looked. It surprised him for a second. He's not supposed to sense anybody, but he for some reason knew that it was Jungkook before he even saw the familiar face. Probably just Yoongi's normal senses. His human senses.

Jungkook had a weird look on his face when he entered the room. He looked straight at the desk that Yoongi was sitting in, and then his eyes trailed to look up at Yoongi. Of course Yoongi wasn't smart enough to look away before they made eye contact, but when they did, Yoongi instantly broke it, feeling weird. And then Jungkook was walking.

Forward. Towards Yoongi's desk.

Yoongi braced himself to be yelled at, but then Jungkook walked straight by him. And he didn't walk too far, because Yoongi could hear a shuffling right behind him. He knew then. Jungkook is sitting behind him. Namjoon didn't mention why this seat was empty. Does Yuri sit here?

"Ah, Yoongi." Namjoon turned to Yoongi, pulling out his notes. "I finally found the notes we've been taking this week. My handwriting isn't exactly amazing, but I'm sure you'll catch on. You'll need to write these down. Sometimes the teacher lets us study before our tests, so be sure to always write notes if you need."

Yoongi took the notes, trying his best not to see Jungkook staring right at him out of the corner of his eye. "Thank you." He mumbled, the warm smile on Namjoon easing him a bit as he turned around and got out his notebook, ready to distract himself by writing down Namjoon's scribble of notes.

"Hey, Namjoon." Namjoon turned around, his eyes wide at the sound of Jungkook's voice. Yoongi momentarily paused writing at the voice as well. "Can I borrow your notes? I need Tuesday's notes. I wasn't here."

Namjoon gulped, Yoongi could see. "Um, yeah. Sure. After Yoongi is done with them, he can just give them to you." He said.

Yoongi then swallowed hard as well, his throat dry for some reason. No. He's not going to be scared. He was fearless this morning when he pushed Jungkook's Coke bottle into him, and he can be fearless again.

"Okay." He said to himself, searching through Namjoon's papers until he found Tuesday's notes written on one of them. He turned around to Jungkook and pressed the paper onto his desk. "Just give it back to me when you're done. I need them too."

Jungkook looked up from the paper, biting his bottom lip as he looked at Yoongi. And Yoongi could sense it again, about Jungkook. His face didn't even look as harsh as before. If anything, he looked lost, sort of confused. He had soft curls in his hair, as if he had spent the time to do so, and the bright school light was reflecting in his big doe eyes, making them shine as he looked up at Yoongi. His jawline was sharp, but he still had soft looking cheeks and pink lips, a mole right under his bottom lip and one on his nose. The scariest thing on this guy was his sharp jawline and perfectly well kept eyebrows.

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