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' get your dirty, lousy, disgusting hands off my boyfriend, please. '

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"It's my brother. He can't know I'm here. He'll kill me. He'll kill us." Max panicked as a very familiar person got out the car. Steve and Ashley walked outside.
"Am I dreaming, or is that you, Harrington? What are you doing here, Daphne?"
"Yeah, it's me. Don't cream your pants." Steve said.
"What are you doing here, amigos?" Billy asked, with the fakest smile on his face.
"I could ask you the same thing. Amigo." Steve folded his arms as Billy came closer.
"Looking for my stepsister. A little birdie told me she was here." Billy looked at Ashley, and winked.
"Huh, that's weird. I don't know her." Steve took a small step, causing Billy's focus to be on Steve.
"Small? Redhead? Bit of a bitch."
"Doesn't ring a bell. Sorry, buddy."
"You know, I don't know, this... This whole situation, Harrington, I don't know. It's giving me the heebie-jeebies."
"Oh, yeah? Why's that?"
"My 13-year-old sister goes missing all day. And then I find her with you in a stranger's house. And you lie to me about it."
"Man, were you dropped too much as a child, or what? I don't know what you don't understand about what I just said. She's not here."
"Then who is that?" Billy pointed at the window. Ashley and Steve both turned around and saw the kids duck.
"Oh, shit. Listen..." Billy pushed Steve over, and grabbed Ashley's wrist.
"Steve!" She yelled.
"I told you to plant your feet." He smirked. "As for you, you can do better, Daphne." Billy threw Ashley to the side and stormed into the house. Ashley looked at Steve, and then heard yells come from the house.

She ran in, and saw Billy grab Lucas.
"Oh, hell no!" She yelled. Ashley grabbed Billy, throwing him off Lucas, and punched him in the face. "Get your hands off him!" She shouted.
"Daphne, Daphne, Daphne. You don't want to make me mad, do you?" He said, licking the blood from his mouth.
"My name is Ashley!" Ash screamed as she punched him again, kicking him in the stomach at the same time.
"You're dead." He coughed. He stood up, and before she could react, grabbed her throat. Ashley struggled for air as he continued to hold tight.
"No. You are." Steve punched Billy in the face, causing Billy to drop Ash to the floor.
"Steve!" The kids yelled.
"Looks like you got some fire in you after all, huh? I've been waiting to meet this King Steve everybody's been telling me so much about." They both threw punches, and Steve looked as if he was going to win.
"Get out."
"Yes! Kick his ass, Steve! Murder the son of a bitch!" Dustin could be heard through Ashley's ringing ears.
"No one tells me what to do!" Billy shouted. He started beating up Steve. Ashley got the strength to stand up, and felt the blood that was dripping from the side of her head.
"You're gonna kill him." Dustin said. She saw Steve being beaten up and noticed something shiny next to Max.
"Max!" She pointed to the object as Max threw it to her. Ash walked towards Billy and stuck the needle in his neck.
"Get your dirty, lousy, disgusting hands off my boyfriend, please." She said.
"The hell is this? You little shit, what did you do? What did you do?" Max grabbed the bat and walked up to Billy as he fell to the floor.
"From here on out, you leave me and my friends alone. Do you understand?" She demanded.
"Screw you." He groaned.
"Say you understand! Say it! Say it!" She screamed as she threw the bat inches away from him.
"I understand." He mumbled.
"I understand."
"Let's get out of here." Max said as she grabbed Billy's keys.

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