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' c'mon lovebirds, we're following the demo dogs. '

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"Oh my god, Ash! Get up! Get on top!" He yelled to the kids as he helped Ashley stay stood up. Ashley watched as Max just stared at the top of the bus. The demo dog opened its mouth to show a flower like shape, but also revealed the horror inside. She gasped as she realised she was about to die, but wasn't going to let the kids die first. She was going to give them a chance.

Ashley grabbed the bat and ran in front of Max, hitting the demo dog away. She awaited another, but none came. They all ran in the same direction, away from the bus.

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Steve grabbed the bandages from Dustin's bag and helped cover Ashley's wound.
"It's a good job I put them in there." She chuckled.
"Are you definitely okay?" He asked her. She nodded, and smiled. Steve gently moved a strand of hair away from her face. Ash was shocked, but didn't jump away.
"C'mon lovebirds, we're following the demo dogs." Dustin interrupted.
"We're not-" both Steve and Ashley started at the same time.
"Could've fooled me." Dustin shrugged his shoulders as he caught up with the others. The two looked at each other and nervously laughed as they walked behind the kids.

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"About what Dustin said earlier-" Steve finally said something.
"Don't worry, we aren't awkward. I know you love Nancy." Ashley tried to smile, but couldn't fight that feeling again. What was it? Jealousy? It can't be, she thought.
"I don't- I don't love Nancy." He admitted. Taken by surprise, Ashley's feelings became stronger.
"Really? That's surprising, seeing as when I first saw you, you had roses for her and was going to apologise even though you did nothing wrong." She said. Steve looked confused, so she continued. "I was sitting on the bench around the corner from your argument. I didn't mean to, I just timed my lunch really badly." She chuckled.
"I saw you that day. I was gonna say hi, but I was way too angry. But I don't love her anymore. I've moved on, and she probably will too. No hard feelings or anything though. It was just not meant to be. However, there's another girl. She's really caring, and kind, and she's pretty. No, she's not pretty. She's beautiful. And I don't ever want to see her hurt or upset." Steve said. Ashley's eyes pricked with tears, but she managed to hold it in. She wasn't about to cry over a boy.
"I see. Well, I-" Ashley began, before alarms could be heard from the distance. Everyone headed towards the noise by instinct, except Max who was asking why they were heading towards the potential danger.

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The source of the noise was found. Ashley watched in fear as the Lab created a warning for all that enter.
"We don't know that's definitely where it's coming from, right?" Ash laughed nervously.
"That's definitely the place it's coming from." Lucas answered.
"We need to get there. Fast." Dustin said.
"What if Mike's in there? What if Will's-" Lucas asked Dustin.
"They'll be okay if we get there in time."

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