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"What has gotten into you?"

I stared at Jack who was still waiting for an answer. As I crossed my arms against my chest, I shrugged acting as if nothing had happened. "What are you talking about?" I asked him instead, when I saw Lily and Sam walking out of the classroom we were in a minute ago.

"Let's go to our next class," I mumbled and turned on my heels, walking in the opposite direction. "Casey, I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap at you like that," Jack apologised when he stood next to me, keeping up with my fast pace. "It's fine, Jack, I shouldn't have been such a dick towards Lily, it's just, you're my best friend, you know." I pouted when we arrived at our next class, which happened to be Geography. "Of course I am, and no one is replacing you, Case." Jack squeezed my cheeks with his large hands as I struggled to pry his fingers off of my face. "Pinky promise?" I held out my pink when Jack let go of my face and hooked it around his pinky, that was the size of my index finger. "I promise," Jack assured me and walked through the door.

"You're late," Mrs. Muller spoke when Jack entered the classroom. Jack and Mrs. Muller have always hated each other, but I had absolutely no idea why. She always tried to get Jack in trouble as if she was jealous of him. "Actually, the second bell hasn't rung yet, so I'm perfectly on time." Jack fired back, leaving Mrs. Muller speechless, once again. I punched Jack's shoulder and pulled his body behind me to a seat in the back, isolated from everyone else.

"You need to keep your big mouth shut, it'll get you in trouble." I told him as I put my index finger on his nose. "You need to stop being so innocent and cute or I will eat you," Jack chuckled, mimicking my move and putting his index finger on my nose as well. I scrunched my nose, trying to get Jack's finger off of it, but that wasn't a big help.

"You're so adorable, oh my god." Jack mumbled, but mrs. Muller happened to catch that. "Jack, one more noise and I'll send you to the principal's office." Muller snapped as the whole class looked at Jack and I, some of them rolling their eyes. "Jesus fucking Christ, you're just jealous because you have no one to call you adorable." Jack spat at Muller, making me kick his leg. I covered my mouth when I saw Mrs. Muller starting to get angry. Everyone knew she lived on her own with like 8 cats after she got divorced.

"Principal's office, now!" She yelled as Jack started to pack his stuff into his backpack and slowly walked towards the door. "See ya," He waved at Muller and winked afterwards, making her even more angry. "I don't understand how you can deal with him, Casey." Mrs. Muller spat in disgust as she tried to continue with her class. I sank in my seat, ignoring the glares people were giving me.

𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐳𝐨𝐧𝐞, gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now