Chapter five

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A/N- Okay, I know there wasn't a scene where Elizabeth tells the boys that her and Julie are sisters or anything like that but let's just pretend there was. Also, thank you guys so so much for the reads! I really thought that it was gonna get like, 0. I am so so grateful for each one of you that took the time to read my book :) Also, I'm tweaking some of the lines to fit my story line. Okay, happy reading.

Elizabeth's POV

I wake up feeling like I just had the best sleep ever, which is rare. I usually have nightmares, so getting only a few hours of sleep wasn't new to me.

It's only when I try to get up, that I realize that someones arm is draped around my waist, holding me down.

I turn myself around and am immediately met with Luke's face. We're so close, our noses are practically touching.

I sit up, slowly moving his arm off my waist, when his eyes snap open and I go toppling over the edge of the bed.

As soon as he sees me going over, he snaps up, gripping my waist and pulling me back up, straight into his chest.

I pull out of his arms, looking away awkwardly and notice the time.

I screech, "I'm going to be late for Julie's school!"

I get out of bed to straighten up.

He chuckles at me, getting comfortable again. "You do realize that, A. you don't even have to go to school, and, B. you can just poof there, right?"

I huff, "I know, but I like being there with her and also, out of my bed, pretty boy."

He groans, "Oh, come on. I was in here all night and you're making me get up now?"

Giving him a playful glare, I say, "I didn't mean to fall asleep. And someone," I point at him, "seemed pretty cozy."

A second later he poofs behind me, wrapping his hands around my waist and whispering in my ear, "And, someone," He takes on of his hands and starts twisting my hair between his fingers, "didn't really seem to mind."

I'm in a daze for a second, but I soon become fully aware of our position.

I shouldn't be doing this. I can't do this.

My past insecurities begin to rise. He took everything from me.

I can't even count the amount of times that he has came into my room, through my window, to hit me or scream at me.

I will not let someone do that to me again.

Anxiety bubbles inside me and I pull away from him, taking heavy breaths. "I-I.. We can't. This," I point between us, "can't and will never happen."

He furrows his eyebrows and walks closer to me. I step back. "What do you mean? You've been giving me all these signs. I know we haven't known each other for long, but I know it. We both know there's something between us. Admit it, we make each other feel alive again."

I shake my head backing away, "I don't feel anything. We cannot happen, Luke. We won't ever happen."

Anger takes over his features and he poofs out.

I pull myself together and poof into the school where Julie and Flynn talking by the lockers.

"So how's the band? Still hot? Still talented?" Flynn looks around, "Still dead?"

Julie laughs, "Amazing! Luke and I spend all of last weekend writing songs. Come on, you wanna hear some of them?"

Flynn grins, "Duh!"

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