Chapter eleven

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A/N before you start reading, I just want to apologize for not updating for a couple days, i've been at my dads house and I don't get much alone time to write there and school starts tomorrow, but I'm going to do my best to get at least one or two chapters out per day, no promises... happy reading!

3rd person POV

The two sat on Elizabeth's bed, gazing into each others eyes, both completely oblivious to the feelings the other person has for them. 

Luke gets lost in the girls eyes for a second, completely forgetting to finish speaking. 

Elizabeth slightly nudges his shoulder, giving him a strange look, "Hey, uh buddy.. You gonna tell me what my unfinished business is or are you going to keep looking at me like that?" 

She wiggles her eye brows at him, trying to ease some of the tension.Luke's face brightens, his famous smile appearing back on his face, making the girls heart melt.

Luke drops his arms from around her, she frowns at his. The boy get off the bed, searching for something and making an 'aha!' noise when he finds it. He takes a seat back on the bed and in his hands is the girls song book. She gives him a quizzical look, not understanding.

Luke holds the book out to her, "What if... what if we have to play your song. The song you and Julie wrote." 

The ghost girl sighs, "Luke, Julie played our song and I'm still here." 

"But that wasn't in front of anyone. C'mon, Beth. I really think that this could be it. It makes sense, right?"

Elizabeth thinks about it for a second before agreeing, "You know what? I think that you're onto something. Julie and I wrote part of Stand Tall. That could be it!"

The girls face lights up and she throws herself onto Luke, the ghost boy almost falling off of the bed but wrapping his arms around her, none the less. 

The two spirits on the bed were just living in the moment and enjoying each others company while it lasted. 

Elizabeth's POV

The next morning when I woke up, things felt different. Like something in the air had shifted, not necessarily in a bad way. I was in Luke's arms, like every morning. But today I wasn't in any rush to get up. Instead, I basked in the feeling of being held by Luke.

I liked Luke. It didn't take a genius to know that. I danced around telling him how I felt, he meant too much to me and I was not going to mess our friendship up. 

I turn towards him, burying my head in his chest and pulling myself as close as I could to him. In response, he pulled his arms tighter around me, placing a small kiss in my hair. The action was small, however, it opened a whole zoo in my stomach. 

A blush made it's way across my face and if I had a running heart, I'm pretty sure it would have beat out of my chest. But he didn't like me. There was no way that someone like him would ever like someone like me. 

Luke is everything that I'm not and it broke me inside. Luke and I were just friends and that's all were every going to be and I guess that for now, I was just going to have to accept that. 

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