Chapter one

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April 12th, 2018

3rd person/Narrator POV

"Elizabeth Maria Molina, don't you dare walk out that door!"

The young girls mother screamed at her. The girl did not want to go, but she knew the consequences if she didn't. Tears streamed down the two girls faces. The younger girl looked at her mother helplessly before saying,

"I'm so sorry mama,"

"Mija, plea-"

Her mother tried to reason with her, but she had already grabbed her jacket and walked out of the door. The woman's husband, Elizabeth's father, tried to console the mother, while also holding himself together.

The pair couldn't wait for the day that the young girl would realize her worth and leave the man their daughter called her boyfriend. During the fiasco, Julie Molina sat upstairs on the phone with her best friend, Flynn, trying to block out the chaos going on downstairs.

Little did the Molina's know, this was only the first curve ball that they would be thrown,

July 21st, 2018

3rd person/Narrator POV

3 months had past since the death of Elizabeth Molina. Her family was slowly working through the pain but nothing was ever going to be the same.

After three months, Julie finally worked up the courage to go into Elizabeth's room.

She carefully opened the bedroom door and embraced her sisters scent. The room was cold, causing Julie to shiver. Tears clouded her eyes, which she quickly pushed back down. Elizabeth would scold her for crying in her room, as her sister use to say, "Nuh uh, no tears in my room. No honey, no. You suck those right back up and sit down."

Julie chuckled as she remember this. It was the day Julie's long time crush, Nick, and her ex best friend, Carrie, began dating and Julie was crushed.

Julie took a breath and walked in. She was only in here for one reason.

Julie and her sister had a passion for music. Just like their mother. While Julie had the voice of an angel, Elizabeth sounded like a dying donkey. Elizabeth had a passion for writing music, well, writing in general. Julie also had brown eyes, like everyone in the family, but somehow Elizabeth managed to obtain blue eyes.

Julie and Elizabeth were writing a song called, "Wake up,", but Elizabeth died before they could finish writing it. Julie owed it to her to finish it, so Julie and her mother decided to finish it together. Julie knew in her heart that music would keep Elizabeth's memory alive.

As Julie was leaving her sisters room, a small book caught her eye. It was Elizabeth's diary.

Julie knew it was wrong and that she shouldn't do it, but she couldn't help picking up the book and sitting on the bed. As she began to read under her breath, the room became impossibly colder.

Little to Julie's knowledge, she was no longer alone.

Elizabeth's POV

Where am I?

The room was completely black. The last thing I can remember was the crash.

Holy shit am I dead? Oh my god. I'm dead.

Tears immediately formed in my eyes as I sat on the cold floor, hugging myself.

Hours seemed to pass in the dark room before I felt something. I felt as if I was floating, before it felt like gravity was pulling me down.

The feeling of falling seemed to last forever before I'm slammed into the ground, luckily the floor was carpet, but it still felt like hitting concrete. For the second time tonight, I'm left wondering where I am.

I quickly recognize the gray walls and black bed sheets. I'm home.

As I'm basking at the feeling of finally being home, I notice a presence on my bed.

I'm overflowed with joy as I see my baby sister sitting on my bed reading my diary, which I'd get on her for later. I'm frozen for a moment, I never even thought I'd see her again. I'm finally able to move my feet and I immediately go to fling myself on her,

"Julie! Oh my god I can't belie-" As I jump on her to hug her, I am quickly disappointed as I fall straight through her. I feel my stomach drop.

"No, no, no, no," I keep trying to wrap my arms around her, but to no avail. "Please, please. God, do something please!" I beg to the thin air around me.

There's nothing I can do but sit here and watch my sister cry while reading my diary. Watching her be upset when I can't do anything about it, was the worse than anything I had ever experienced.

After an hour or so, Julie finally gets up, taking the book with her and going back into her own room.

This was definitely going to take some getting used to.



I know this wasn't a very good chapter but I am SO excited for this book. Let me know if you guys like the first person POV or 3rd person POV better. Also, let me know what you guys think of the story so far.

Word count: 831

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