Chapter 12 - Caleb's POV

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In this city, Friday means parties. Guaranteed, without fail. It doesn't matter who is hosting or where it will be, as long as there's at least one major party, everybody's happy. 

Tonight, the most anticipated party of the month was happening at Owen's place. Being the captain of the football team had that kind of responsibility, I guess. Last party that was held there was talked about for weeks afterwards, so I knew I had to go, and there's no way Owen would let me skip out on this one.

That is, until Belle happened. 

More correctly, until I hit her with my truck.

God I wish I hadn't have been driving that day. She doesn't deserve any of this. 

You need to tell her the truth, a voice in the back of my mind whispers. Was that Gwen's voice? God, I hang around her too much. 

I'll tell her the truth - just not now. She's still too fragile, and I can't put her through more pain caused by yours truly. She trusts me. I can't ruin that.

And when she climbs into my truck at the end of the day in the parking lot, I'm know that I can't tell her. Because when she smiles at me, curves her rose-petal pink lips into a smile, this feels too right. 

She watches me with her forest green eyes, and it's driving me crazy that I can't see what's going on in that beautiful mind of hers.

"What?" She giggles, playing with the hem of her shirt.

Before I can help myself, I lean over and kiss her. I need to drive the voice out of my mind, my own conciousness reminding me of the truth and the fact that I'm the one keeping her in the dark. Her mouth fits to mine perfectly, driving away the thoughts and doubts that have plagued me daily since the accident. She sure is doing one hell of a job of keeping me from accepting the reality of our situation. One of my hands finds it's way to the side of her face, my fingers weaving into her hair. She breaks the kiss, with a questioning look on her face.

"Hey," I say in a quiet voice, my thumb tracing over her cheek. 

"Hey," she laughs. "Did you miss me?"

I chuckle, leaning back and turning the key in the ignition, Old Blue sputtering to life. Looking back over my shoulder as I back out of my stall, I catch Belle running a finger over her lips, where moments ago I had mine pressed against hers.

As I pull out of the parking lot and turn left onto the street, I decide to bring up the party to her. I know I can't back out of going, I'd already promised Owen weeks ago that I'd be coming.

"So, are you up for a party tonight? It's at Owen's," I say without taking my eyes off the road.

"I don't know, Caleb," she sighs, looking out her window. "There's still a lot of people I don't know."

"I'll be beside you the whole time, we can just go for a bit," I try to persuade her. 

"You already promised you'd go, didn't you."

"Wait how'd you-"

"Brett told me. Said he's going, too. Look, it's fine if you want to go, I'll just stay at home." She looks over at me, smiling slightly, but it looks forced.

"Well I was hoping I could go with you," I reply.

She is still looking out her window, so it's hard to get a read on her emotions. But then I hear the smirk in her voice when my name rolls off her tongue.

"Caleb Davis, the things I do for you," she smiles while shaking her head.

I reach across, grabbing her hand and kissing the back of it.

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