Chapter 13 - Belle's POV

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A/N The song in the external link is for when Brett takes Belle out onto the balcony. (For those of you who can listen to music while reading).


My chest starts to squeeze, constricting my lungs and crushing the air out of them. I don't want to be here anymore. The music is entirely too loud, and I am surrounded by people that I don't have a clue as to who they are.

"Caleb," I say quietly, gently grabbing at his elbow. He's too absorbed in his game with Alex to notice me, or should I say, far too absorbed in the alcohol. 

I glance around the room, desperately searching for someone, anyone that produces the slightest memory. I almost cry in relief when I spot Brett across the room, looking alone with his red solo cup in hand. Tentatively glancing back at Caleb, I decide that he probably won't miss me too much for a little bit.  

Pushing my way through the dancing crowd, Brett meets my gaze and waves me over. 

"Look at you!" he shouts over the music, taking my hand and twirling me around. I laugh, fighting a blush.

"Thanks," I say smiling, smoothing down the skirt of my dress.

"I honestly didn't expect to see you here," he says, looking at me over his cup, taking a sip.

"I honestly didn't really want to come," I laugh.

"Well, you're here now. Let's get you something to drink," he says, turning me around and leading me back to the kitchen in the far corner of the house with his hand on the small of my back.

Brett's hand feels heavy on my back, and I'm secretly hoping Caleb isn't paying any attention to us. We cross behind the table he's playing at and my whole body goes rigid. Brett must catch on because he removes his hand and he carries it along limply at his side.

In the kitchen, the counter is lined up with tons of glass bottles and cans, all containing different types of alcohol. I've never been a big drinker, at least, I don't think so anyways. I could've been the biggest drunk in the school. You never know.

Brett turns, swiping a new cup off the counter and begins filling it with various liquids for me. 

"What are you making?" I ask, slightly suspicious.

"Trust me," he grins, topping it off.

He hands me the cup, and I can already feel the heaviness in my head from the amount of alcohol. He stares at me over his drink, waiting for me to try it. I take a sip, immediately tasting orange juice, then it mingles with the taste of some sort of alcohol, which is subtle, almost like an afterthought. 

"Not bad," I say after swallowing. The alcohol burns my mouth, but I like it. I take another sip.

Before I know it, I've downed the whole drink. He smirks at me, like he knows something I don't, as he takes the cup from my hand and refills it. I watch his back as he pours, the muscles flexing under his shirt as he lifts the bottles. I really shouldn't be staring, but I can't tear my eyes off him. He turns back around, handing the now full cup back to me. Uh-oh. He caught me.

"What?" I ask, trying to play it off, drinking some more of this magical juice that makes my insides feel warm.

"C'mon, I wanna show you something," he says, gesturing towards the stairs around the corner. He takes the lead, and I follow him like a lost puppy. I stumble in the doorway, and he grabs me before I hit the floor.

"Thanks," I giggle, regaining my balance and moving past him to walk towards the stairs. Wow, am I really this much of a lightweight?

He follows closely behind me, and I'm glad for it because as I start up the stairs, I start to lose my balance again. He keeps a reassuring hand on my back as I pick my way slowly up the steps.

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