Chapter 5: The Wedding

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"Holy..." Angelina buried her head into my back.

Carlisle quickly looked to us, his chest heaving, and then looked back to Jane. He let go of her quickly, looking back to Angelina and I. "Oh shit, you're not Charlotte!" he shouted, looking back to Jane.

Jane looked to him confused, catching her breath, and lowering her bronze colored gown.

I sucked my teeth. "Are you serious?" I asked.

He chuckled. "Well, what the fuck am I supposed to say?" He shrugged.

"What the fuck?" I asked.

Carlisle shook his head, righting his pants, and tucking his shirt.

"That's right-put that fucking dick away!" I stalked towards him, ready to kick his ass.

"E!" He started to back away from me.

"Elijah, don't-" Angelina held onto me tightly. I found myself relaxing back against her, pausing, and trying to calm myself down.

"Out!" I looked to Jane and pointed to the door.

She swallowed, smoothing back her blonde hair. "I uh-I don't know what to say."

"I think you've done enough." Angelina said, still hiding behind me.

"Who are you?" Jane asked.

I got in her face, making her look at me. "Don't worry about who she is." I said.

Jane nodded, walking around us.

"Wait!" Angelina said.

Jane looked back.

"Uh...fix your lipstick," Angelina pointed.

Jane wiped and cupped at her mouth as she ran out of the room. I turned to stare at Carlisle, wondering if he's lost his mind, and wondering why he would stoop so low. Not only to fuck skanky-Jane-another nick name of hers-but to do it on his wedding day?

"What is wrong with you?" Angelina came out from hiding behind me. "You're disgusting." I put my hand up to silence her.

Carlisle laughed. "Mind your business. None of this concerns you-"

"What if she tells Charlotte?" Angelina asked.

Carlisle shook his head no. "That's her best friend. She wouldn't hurt Charlotte that way, right? Don't you broads have rules for that? She wouldn't hurt Charlotte." He said more to himself this time.

"Some best friend," Angelina scoffed, stepping around me. "-and a broad like me wouldn't fuck my best friend's husband to begin with. So, I'd tread lightly if I were you. Jane obviously doesn't give a fuck about Charlotte." Angelina had her finger out, ready to poke him. I looked back to her and pulled her hand down.

My grandmother was right, she does have some pair.

Carlisle stared at me. "You going to let her talk to me like that?"

I shrugged. "Pull yourself together, clean up-clean your fucking dick, and get back down there." I said as calmly as possible. "Where does she think you are?" I asked.

Carlisle shrugged. "I mentioned something about an emergency conference call-"

"Why'd you do it?" Angelina asked.

Carlisle shook his head at me. "E, tell your bitch to shut her mouth." He looked to Angelina. "Quit dicking my balls. None of this concerns you and I suggest you not make assumptions. You don't know me." He placed his hand on his chest.

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