Chapter 6: The Game

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Groaning into the pillow, I smacked at my alarm clock. After two smacks into the air I realized that the crazy ringing was a telephone, not my alarm or cell, the room phone. Fuck. I slightly picked my head up to look for it, and around, but through my squinted eyes I couldn't find it.

I slumped back down and the phone continued to ring. I didn't care. I was so damn comfortable. I didn't care if the phone rang forever, I just didn't want to leave this bed.

Sighing, I pulled the sheet tighter around myself. That's when I felt my body dip into the bed and a warmness at my side.

"Yeah?" Elijah grunted.

I stiffened, remembering everything from last night.

And with Elijah being Elijah, so hot and so cold, I thought that he would have left before I woke up.

Nervous, I pretended to be asleep, while I tried my hardest not to grin. He stayed. That fact alone is grin worthy, cartwheel down the hall-clap, giggle, and jump up and down worthy.

"Thanks-g'bye," he groaned again, reaching over me to place the phone down. "That was the wakeup call-it's just past seven." I refused to acknowledge him, now feeling like an idiot.

"I know you're awake." He said through a yawn.

Without any better ideas, I still pretended that I was asleep, yet now I could feel his eyes on me.

"Yeah, it's officially the awkward morning after-" I jumped when he slapped my ass. "Wake up!" He pulled the sheet away from me.

I sat up. "Morning," I reached up to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

"Morning," he sighed.

I turned to look at him then and wished I didn't. He was sitting up and leaning back on his hands. His torso was bare and the white sheet was wrapped around his waist. Then I openly stared at his erection, hoping he'd lose the sheet.

"Angelina?" He asked.

I tore my eyes away to look at his face and it was just too much. He's just too beautiful, even now with those sleepy emerald green eyes, hair a wild mess, and those lips puckered, waiting for me to speak.

I bit my lip and had to look away, suddenly nervous again.

"We should-" He was interrupted when there was a knock on the door. "Go see who it is." He jerked his head, with his hand reaching into the nightstand.

I nodded, scooting myself off the bed.

"Put something on," he said.

Crap. Looking down I noticed that I was still naked.

Shrugging to myself and swaying my hips a bit, for him, I grabbed for the fluffy white bathrobe. It came with the room, which was so damn cool. This place is very fancy and I never want to leave. I'd be content to live here.

I put it on, hugged it around my waist, and sprinted to the door. I opened it wide and saw that it was a bellhop, hotel worker. They had what looked like a food cart with them.

"Come in," I opened the door wider.

"Angelina who's-" I heard Elijah, feeling his eyes on me again.

The cart was rolled deeper into the room and I smiled watching it. Elijah is so sweet. He got us some breakfast.

"This is from a Ms. Sposito." He took the tops off two plates, filled with anything you could ever want for breakfast.

"Wow." I giggled. Okay, so it was from Nanny and not Elijah, but it was still awesome. Room service. I never had room service before and the food smelled fantastic.

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