Chapter 10: Round Three

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Okay, so maybe when I don't think I'm a little better at this relationship stuff. When I go with the flow, I'm just happier. I'm not thinking about ten years from now, I'm thinking about today and how to get through it, which has become increasingly easier every day.

Angelina and I fight, and it seems to be what we do best.

We had a pretty heated argument at Vinny's spot.

It was totally me, but I didn't give a fuck. Okay, so I promised Angelina she could pick out her own ring, and forgot all about that as soon as we entered the shop. I saw some shit in the window and just pointed. It was fucking beautiful and I wanted it...for Angelina.

She whined that it was too much money, too big, and that she wouldn't wear it. I ignored her and said "We'll take it," with the biggest smile on my face.

She pouted and ran out of the store.

How dare she ruin my moment like that?

Fucking baby.

My baby.

Yeah so, because she was pissed, I bought her a matching bracelet to go with her new Tiffany "Inspired" four carat diamond engagement ring. It's a princess cut with a platinum setting, and it has micro pave diamonds down the shank. It's fucking gorgeous, just like her-so it's a perfect fit.

I know she loves it. She keeps looking at it, like she is now, as we make our way home.


We just packed up her room and told Leah she could have the king sized bed as a wedding gift. Leah took the news pretty good. She was sad to see her go, but relieved because she worried about Angelina after she was to move out. Oh, and she told Angelina she was bat-shit crazy.

I thought it was sort of sad that all of Angelina's belongings of a lifetime fit in the back of the expedition, but we'll just have to work on that. I may not be good with the emotional shit, but I'm great at spending money.

I turned to grin at her when we stopped at a red light, while she stared at her ring.

"What?" She smiled widely.

I shook my head, picked up her hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles.

She squealed when I let go, like she often does, and I waited for the signature line I've been hearing for the past two days. "Look at my ring motherfucker!" She pushed her hand in my face.

So fucking adorable.

I laughed loudly and drove off.

I still can't believe the fight she put up because of that damn ring. She just thought it was too expensive, ridiculous.

I begged to differ. A ring like that should be worn, and poor Vinny had that shit in his window for years.

If it was a real Tiffany it would have cost close to one hundred G's, but Vin had it for sixty, and I talked him down to fifty. It was a steal, literally.

Plus, I was paying cash, which also made him quickly agree.

She wasn't happy with the fifty grand either, and thought I was kidding when I said I wanted her to have a rock bigger than Charlotte's.

Angelina didn't want to hurt Charlotte's feelings either-like I gave a fuck. The ring essentially has nothing to do with Carlisle, Charlotte, or money. I wanted it for Angelina.

The fact that it was bigger than what Carlisle got Charlotte, was just a small little "Fuck you" to my brother for disrespecting my Angelina.

Yeah, I'm still not totally over that whole phone call.

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