Chapter 3: Angelina

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"Would you stop fucking looking at that thing-" Leah said, throwing a couch pillow at me. I stealthily ducked out of the way, and sadly dropped my phone. I stumbled trying to grab it, and nearly fell from the couch. At least I caught it though.

"Leave me alone," I plopped back onto the couch and looked down to my phone.

She sat next to me. "It's been days."

I sighed, still staring at my phone. The night Elijah and I spent together I may have taken an impromptu picture of him. I don't know why he did it, but when he went to the bathroom, he didn't close the door all the way. I had myself a candid shot of his ass with the bathroom door halfway open. It's the only memory I have of that night and I keep on staring at it, keep on holding onto my phone, just hoping that he will call.

"It's only been three days," I reminded Leah. The next day I received two dozen long stemmed roses from him. They were beautiful and I was shocked. I have never been given flowers before, and roses?

The roses also came with a note, which was simple. "I had a great time-EM" That's it. I don't know why I expected more, just did. We had a great time and I found myself hoping that it wasn't just a one nightstand that we shared.

However, I acted like a whore, so I should only be treated like one.

He did send flowers-

So confusing.

Leah ignored me, staring at Mr. Sprinkles, that evil little fuck, while he strutted his stuff in front of us. "Where's my baby-oh-it's the kitty cat show," Leah started to wave her hands and croon down to him.

I hissed at him and stomped my foot, earning a slap on my arm from Leah when he ran away. "Why are you so mean to him?" She asked.

I quickly hit her back-twice, and then she slapped me again. We stopped when the both of us broke out into a fit of giggles. "I'm gonna miss you," I admitted. "-but I hate him." I pointed to wherever that stupid cat ran.

Leah kept laughing.

"I'm a dog person," I placed my hand to my chest.

She sighed, sitting back. "What are you going to do?" she asked.

I bit my lip and completely forgot about my phone. I placed it down on the coffee table. Even during our little slapping match, I still managed to hold onto it. "I'm going to fill out job applications today," I shrugged. "I can lessen my course schedule...I...I can't live with Evan and you know that shit with my Dad,"

She nodded in understanding.

I can't live with my parents-haven't lived with my parents since high school. Back then they had no choice, but now I'd rather stay away, and I think they like it that way too. Mom says differently when I stop by. She says that I am more than welcome, and not to pay any attention to my father. I can't do that. I don't agree with him. He also taunts me and makes me feel like shit whenever he feels it necessary.

Evan says the same thing as mom; that dad is only kidding, but I could never understand how he could joke about something like that. He wasn't me back then and he didn't have to make the choice I did. The choice he didn't agree with. The hardest choice I have ever had to make.

As a junior in high school, I lost my virginity to my then boyfriend Eric. A few months later I got pregnant. Back then all I did was smoke weed and hang out with him. I had nothing going for me at all. I knew a baby would slow me down even more. I had seen what having a child at such a young age could do.

So many girls in my high school had fallen pregnant. It had been like some epidemic.

I didn't want that. I had no idea what to do with a baby, and despite smoking weed, fucking, and chilling out I had planned to go to college, and make something of myself. The way my mind worked back then I always thought I had time. I could have my fun now and buckle down later.

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