Fears ~ Abby

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Hi, I'm Abby. I'm one of the newest SGC administrators, and I'm here to help you all! 

Facing your fears is a very hard thing to do. I myself have a very strong fear; pathophobia. It is the fear of diseases and bad things that can happen to your body.

Some more common fears are spiders, snakes, the dark, heights, water, needles, and blood.

I'm going to give you a few tips on how to overcome, or pass by your fears.

1. It's going to take time. Don't force yourself into it. If one day your deathly scared of spiders and decide to overcome your fear, don't try and hold one the next. You really won't make it.

2. (My Favorite) Have a hook. Wear a piece of jewelry like a bracket, a ring, or a necklace to be your hook. Anytime your fear comes up, say in school, and you can't get away, play with the piece of jewelry. Nail it into your body to remember if your playing with that piece of jewelry, to completely tune everything else out. Think only happy thoughts. I have this toy code ring that I use, and I'll just sit in health class spinning it. It distracts me so I won't have my panic attacks.

3. Understand your fear. Figure out why you're scared of it. Figure out if there's a certain part that's more scary than the rest. Like daddy-long-legs versus tarantulas. What scares you most? And educate yourself on it. 

4. Name it. I know that may sound stupid, but studies show that when you name something, your fear of it shrinks dramatically.

5. And lastly, peer pressure. It can sometimes be an asset to you. Get some true friends, and have them slowly help you on your way to recovery.

I hope this was helpful! Comment your fear, or tips you have for others trying to face their fear.

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