how to deal with a break up

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Hi I am Abby, I'd love to speak on the above topic as an awareness.

Everybody hates getting dumped, and unfortunately, feeling the pain of romantic rejection after relationships end is unavoidable. And for anyone asking, "How long does it take to get over a break up?", the answer is inevitably, "Far too long."

While learning how to break up with someone you love and mend your broken heart isn't easy, however, you can do it.

You don't have to live with the pain of heartbreak forever.

The torturous process of getting over a breakup with a person you've deeply loved causes a kind of hurt as real and painful as a physical injury. This is because not only do you experience the emotional wounds of rejection, but the pain receptors in your brain are actually affected.

1. Focus on the positive.
Don’t fixate on the negatives. Stay optimistic and pay attention to how far you’ve come in your life. Notice and appreciate your ability to overcome so many of life’s obstacles.

Tell yourself, "I’ve got this" — and believe it. Because you do.

2. Give yourself some TLC.
Following a painful experience, we all need to tend to our wounds and heal.

Make a conscious effort to practice self-care, and indulge yourself in things you may otherwise skip — such as hobbies, exercise, proper nutrition, or yoga — because you are worth it.

3. Accept the truth.
Life is, unfortunately, unfair, and this is a universal truth.

Acceptance that sometimes life doesn't go our way and exploring our expectations (re-setting the bar) will allow you to let go and find happiness from within.

4. Know that you're not the problem.
Romantic rejection is not a rejection of your character or you as a person.

There is nothing wrong with you. Just because love isn't reciprocated does not mean you are defective in some way. You are lovable.

5. Cherish yourself.

You are the only person that can give yourself value.

What you think of yourself is the most important, far more important than the opinion of others. As a human being, you have intrinsic worth.

Repeat these words to yourself: "I am worthy."

6.make yourself busy.



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