❣Period Tips~ Jasmine❣

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Hi, I'm Jasmine (jcdwriter ), one of the newest members of the Strong Girls' Club! Today, I'm here to talk about the ever-dreaded period.

As a veteran of "Shark Week" for nearly five years and the owner of fairly heavy flow, I've learned some tips and tricks for dealing with stuff when Mother Nature lovingly decides to beat me with a baseball bat.

1. Change your pad every two-to-four hours during the day, depending on your flow. The last thing you want is an icky pad that ends up leaking, or a pad that's falling apart and making that area super itchy.

2. Always, always, always keep pads or tampons on you, even when you're not on your period ! You never know when you'll start or when someone else will start and need some.

3. If possible, wear two pairs of underwear to keep your pad in place and prevent leakage. Not suggested if you want to wear skinny jeans. This is especially useful for nighttime, when leakage is more likely during your sleep.

4. Exercise is actually really good during your period because it helps you to manage your pain better AND you burn more calories while you're on your period. Upper-body exercises with weights or resistance bands are highly suggested, especially if you don't like to feel icky down there.

5. Drink lots of water and walk around! This helps to reduce cramping.

6. As many internet sources can confirm, caffeine should be avoided during your period. Why, I'm not exactly sure. But, I do know that herbal teas like chamomile and peppermint are really yummy and warm and can help with cramping and tummy troubles.

That's all for now, folks! Thanks for reading!

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