Silky Soft Armpits

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Hello, beautiful people. I hope you're all doing well? I'm also fine in case you were wondering. Now let's get straight to the topic of discussion.

I hope I'm not the only one who hates those tiny little hair strands that sneak out of the follicles when you’re least expecting them to. I think they're embarrassing. I found a way to get rid of them! I tried it and I loved it. I hope you do too.

You can get rid of those little guys by using sugar and lemon juice.

These two ingredients are substances that have been a part of the sugaring paste (wax) for a long time. It helps to remove hair easily and the results last for at least 4 weeks. The good news is that ingrown hair is never a possibility with this hack.
You could make this in your microwave at home. These are the ingredients you need:

A cup of sugar

A quarter cup of honey

Juice of a half lemon (2 tablespoons to be specific)

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Then microwave the mixture for just two minutes. Once you take it out, keep stirring the mixture every 20-30 seconds so that no lumps are formed. Let it cool and then use it. Apply on the desired area and once it has dried off, peel it off and along with it pull out the unwanted hair.
That's it, be sure to expect your silky smooth armpit then.

The sole aim of this hack is to ditch the razor, but if you're scared to peel the mixture off and you want to use the razor or you're in a hurry and you can't measure the ingredients, you can just follow the steps I used.

•2 teaspoons of sugar

•An unmeasured amount of honey (Just a Lil bit will do).

•Juice from a whole lemon (if it's too much for you, just use the rest as detox just like I did. It's good for you).

Now mix all the ingredients in a bowl as I stated before and microwave the mixture for two minutes. (If your microwave is not working just put it on the stove and light up the fire for just two minutes. We gotta improvise).
After taking it out of the microwave or off the stove, you'll be presented with a liquid mixture. Let it cool and apply it to the desired area. Pick up your razor and shave off the hairs. Take a shower and viola! There you have your silky soft armpit with no tiny hairs.

Whatever method you choose to use will work. It's up to you.

How often should you shave?

*Please note that shaving every day is bad for your skin.
How you shave is more important than how often you shave.

There’s no hard-and-fast rule for how often you need to shave. It’s up to you to decide if you prefer clean-shaven skin, slightly grown-in stubble, or a more natural look. You’ll need to pay attention to how your hair grows and how your skin feels after shaving.

*Razors don’t just cut off your hair, they take a layer of skin cells with it every time you run the blade across your skin.

Tips for Shaving

•Don't share a razor with anyone. Not even your twin.

•Wet your skin with warm water before shaving. This helps the razor work better and also reduces irritation that comes from dragging a sharp blade over dry skin.

•Exfoliate before shaving. You can do this by using a washcloth. Getting dead skin cells off before shaving gives you a more even surface, and helps you shave closer to the actual root of your hair follicle.

•Don't shave over a wound, cut, sore, or rash. Shaving over skin that has been compromised in any way can make healing take longer. It can also introduce bacteria to the area, leading to infection.

•Shave in the direction of hair growth. 

•Replace your razor often. How often you replace your razor depends on how well you take care of it. Any razor blade that appears to be rusting or feels dull against the skin should be tossed away immediately.


That's all I have for you guys. I hope it helps in one way or the other. Please mention something you'd like to read about in the comment section. I'd be glad to respond to them and help you in any way possible. If you're also shy to publicly comment on what you wanna read, then please feel free to send me a private message at AN-Abayie. I can't wait to hear from you.

Stay safe!

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