7 Quick Period Tips! -Ashima

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Oh, the dreaded period! It's a struggle almost all girls go through, but that doesn't make it any better. Today I'll be giving 7 quick tips to make your period experience a bit better and easier. 😀

• Always keep an extra pair of underwear on you

You never know when your period can leak and stain your clothes, so it's best to keep a change of clothes just in case it does. I also recommend wearing darker pants as they can blend in with the stain if it does end up leaking. 

•  Always, ALWAYS keep a tampon, pad, panty liner, etc. on you

Periods can be unpredictable and you never know when and where you'll get your period, so try to keep some of whatever product you use on you, even if your period hasn't started for the month. I always keep some extra just in case a friend ever needs one. 

•  Use a heating pad to help with cramps

I find that using a heating pad and placing it in the area of the cramps usually helps a lot. Another remedy is to take ibuprofen or take a warm bath. 

• Excersize!

This is probably the last thing you'd like to do on your period, but it is something you should do. Taking a light walk or doing yoga is a great way to combat painful periods. 

• Avoid caffeine 

Caffeine can irritate your stomach and give you that achy, crampy, bloated feeling, so it's best to limit your intake on your period. In addition to caffeine, it's a good idea to avoid sweet and carbonated drinks that can also increase bloating. A good caffeine-free drink option is herbal tea.

• Drink plenty of water!

Drinking water is a great way to reduce bloating when on your period!  There's no specific recommendation of how much water each unique person should drink but a common guideline is to drink eight to ten 8-ounce glasses of water throughout the day. If you're on-the-go, be sure to carry a water bottle with you and try to fill it up several times throughout the day.

•  Try to carry a jacket around with you

If your period leaks in public, a good way to hide it is to tie a jacket around your waist until you can find a restroom to deal with it. A flannel or hoodie can works as well! Just tie it around your waist and it should hide it up well. 

Okay, that's it! I hope these will help you girls out there during your periods. Have a great day/night!

-Ashima (AutumnDahlia5)

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