Chapter 19: The Final Countdown

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Ten seconds left, I thought anxiously, staring at the timer. 

I felt my heart beating twice as fast.

 Beads of sweat landed on the glass.

 Without a word, I threw the glass contained bomb into the manhole and ran away.

People were looking at me as if I was crazy. 

"Get away from here!" I yelled. "Get away!" 

Men, women, and children followed my orders and hurried back into the markets.

The next thing I knew, the bomb exploded sending me spiraling on the concrete. 

As I looked back, the man hole was spilling streams of murky water and smoke.

Everyone looked at one and another then stared at me. 

They could easily see that I was trying to save them. Pulling myself up to my feet, I tried to ignore the ringing pouring out of my eardrums.

That's when I heard Cole crying.

 Brushing the dirt from my pants, I raced back to my car and found the cop pointing a gun to her head. As I looked closer, I saw Zach holding his silvery weapon against Cole's temple.

His appearance nearly shocked me. He wore a dark blue uniform, but I could see the burn marks on his face and arms. 

"Take one step closer," Zach threatened. "And I will kill her."

Cole gave me a calm smile, but her eyes were on the trigger. 

I slowly took a step back then glared at Zach; he wasn't the guy I remembered.

 "Put the gun down," I urged. "You are going to get someone hurt."

He let out a bitter laugh.

 "You're a hypocrite," he snickered. "You already hurt people! Me, remember?" 

"I want Cole to be my side," Zach screamed. "I want her to be my girlfriend, but you didn't care about my feelings!"

"Now I do," I said, taking a step closer. 

"For goodness sake, Zach! Don't be like this, okay?" I screeched. 

"I get it, being alone sucks. I have been there, especially Cole."

Zach was very skeptical about giving me the gun. 

"Please," I pleaded. "I want you to stop." 

Tears were coming out of Zach's eyes.

 "Just give me the gun," I whispered. "No one has to die here."

He shoved Cole into my arms then put the nozzle on his temple.

 "Zach," Cole shrieked, taking a step closer. 

"What are you doing?" 

Zach took a step back from Cole then swallowed a gulp. 

"No one has to die here," Zach said deeply. "Except me."

Without a word, Zach pulled the trigger then shot himself in the head. We both stared as Zach fell on his knees then on the ground. Cole burst into tears for Zach while I just comforted her.

The police arrived sooner than we had hoped then raised their guns at us. But when they saw the body, they closed their eyes and lowered their guns.

One of them gave me a pat on the back then covered the body with a white blanket. The cops then took us back to San Francisco where we had to explain everything to them and our parents.

After Cole's mom calmed down, she gave us a hug then left us to rest in the hospital. In the meantime, I wrote a long letter about Natalie's solved murder to Alexander Hilton, who in return, gave us two million dollar checks and Natalie's old CDs.

The next thing I remember is, people from Chinatown on the television screen, looking a bit happy and relieved. The news reporter was talking about how we saved California from the disastrous explosion.

Tons of gifts and letters were delivered to us in our mailboxes and on our doorsteps. 

However, the radium bomb was proven to be false. Scientists investigated the manhole and found no trace of radiation or anything suspcious.

Cole's guess is Zach lied about the bomb having radium. 

The reason was clearly unknown. Nonetheless the manhole was being rebuild, as well as our wounds.

The cops congratulated us about stopping Zach, saving the lives of innocent people, and solved a really old case. I bet Alexander would have been proud of us.

Before they dropped us off to our houses, we made a promise to them that we would offer them help on difficult cases and mysteries.

After hearing our adventures, the judge gave me full custody of my younger brother, Seth and severely punished Ms. Caroline and my parents for neglecting me.

He wanted to send my foster parents to thirty years in prison, but I slowly talked him down to reducing the punishment to four years of house arrest. To my surprise, the judge agreed as he slammed the gravel with all of his might.

As things were slowly getting back to normal, Cole and I resumed our daily schedules. Homework, studying for tests and quizzes, and occasionally read mystery novels.

After I took a long, hot shower, I put on my long sleeved black shirt and matching pajama pants then collapsed on the bed. 

Desperately, I wanted read Secrets Can Kill one more time.

I realized how stupid I was for ignoring it. I admit that the book was amazing, and secretly I wanted Cole to give me some more Nancy Drew books. 

Just when I was about to touch the book cover, someone tapped on the glass.

It was Cole, dressed her her white t-shirt and long red plaid pants.

 She also wore a long brown woolen coat with locks clung against her neck.

I got off of the bed then pulled up the window. Cole crawled inside the room and swept her bangs to the side.

 "Hey," she beamed. "How are you?"

 "Good," I said. "How are you?"

"Fine," she replied. "Can I sleep here for the night?" 

I gave her a worried look.

 "What's wrong?" I asked. 

"I am just really tired of crying myself to sleep." Cole admitted, crossing her arms.

"The last thing I need right now, is waking up, having nightmares about him."

 I nodded very slowly then led her to my bed. 

"Sleep," I urged. 

Cole took off her coat then slipped under my covers.

I joined right beside her then reluctantly stroke her hair.

 "Luke," Cole began softly, touching my sleeves. 

"There is something I wanted to ask."

 "What is it?" I said. 

"Why do you always wear sleeved shirts?" she asked.

I looked at her for a moment then at my sleeve.

 I slowly unrolled my sleeve then showed my arm to her; it was covered in horrific cuts.

"Who did this to you?" Cole asked, staring at my arm. 

"Was it your foster parents? Was it Ms. Caroline?"

 I shook my head then turned to face her.

"Who is the monster who did this?" Cole demanded. 

"You're looking at him," I admitted. 

She stared at me in surprise. 

"Why would you do that?" she whispered.

 I gave her a sad smile then rolled back my sleeve.

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