Chapter 16: The Shocking Twist

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After Ms. Caroline left, I borrowed the car and drove it to the hospital. 

But just as soon as I got there, Officer Popular is already sitting on one of the chairs, flipping a magazine. When he saw me, he grimaced.

"Hello Luke," Officer Popular greeted, tossing the magazine on the table.

 "How are you doing?" I felt extremely uncomfortable being around him. 

"Fine," I said. "I'm going to speak to Jerry."

 I was about to walk over to the receptionist, until someone grabbed my arm.

It was the stupid cop. 

"Didn't I tell you to mind your own business?" he asked. I slowly lifted my head to face him. 

"Didn't I mention you a couple of times that I don't like being touch by you?" I asked defensively.

 He let out a low whistle.

 "Touchy," he rasped. 

"Now, I am trying to do my job as a cop and you have to do your job as a normal kid."

"Doing investigations is normal," I shrugged. "Cole and I don't mind."

 "It does mind to me," he hissed. "Stay away from the crime scene and focus on making friends."

 "I already have friends," I insisted. 

"Maybe you should let go of my arm or I'll will report it to your friends."

He grunted for a moment then released my arm. 

"Alexander Hilton wants to find out the monster who killed his wife," I responded.

 "And I am going to find that freak."

 I stared at the officer's body language.

He was fidgeting like a hyperactive nutcase, his eyes were still glaring at me, and his cheery face turns red. 

"You should watch your mouth, young man." the cop threatened.

"Touch me, like you did to Seth." I threatened. "And I won't watch it." 

I stormed in front of the receptionist then forced a smile. 

"Hi," I said. "Do you know where Jerry's room is?"

 The receptionist has a beehive shaped hair and wore a ton of makeup.

"It's on the third floor, room 20." she said. 

I gave her a thankful smile then headed to the elevator. 

As soon as I got inside, I pressed the button labeled 3 and waited for the ride to start. 

The elevator sprang to life, trying to shift its gears to get me to my destination.

I made myself comfortable by leaning against the silver bar and played games on my phone.

 All of a sudden, the elevator stopped abruptly. 

I turned off my phone and tried to press the third button repeatedly. Nothing worked.

Great, I thought. 

I stormed in front of the two silvery doors and pried them open, but it was no use. 

I ran my fingers through my hair then looked at the air vent. Instantly, I thought of an idea. I climbed up the bar, removed the vent, and climbed on top of the elevator.

Oh great, I said to myself. 

The cold wind slapped my face. I could easily see closed doors standing above each other. I smelled a faint odor of metal and oil. I must be in the elevator shaft.

Captured: Luke's Perspective (Book Three)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum