Chapter 18: Saving Chinatown

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Cole gave me a nervous smile.

 "I guess I haven't told you that," she said, driving around the cars.

 I looked back and saw the bomb, safely secured. 

"You're telling me that you brought a bomb in my car that explodes radiation?" I cried.

 I slumped onto my chair. 

"My foster mom's going to kill me." I groaned.

"I am going to kill you, if you don't shut up!" Cole cried.

 I thought about something for a moment then reached for my phone.

 "Who are you calling?" she asked. 

"I'm going to call Seth," I said, pressing the Call button.

"Seth isn't physically here right now," the voice mail said. 

"Please leave me a message."

 After the beep, I held the phone to my mouth. 

"It's Luke," I growled. "This is an emergency. Pick up the phone!"

 I waited for a few minutes for the message to send, then I tried dialing him again. 

When Seth picked up the phone, he was annoyed.

"Alright!" Seth cried on the other end. 

"I was just playing with you! What do you need?" 

I let out an angry sigh. 

"We are trying to find a way how to get rid of a bomb, a radium bomb that Cole placed in my car."

"Will you please just get over it?" Cole asked in an annoyed tone. 

"No," I answered coldly. 

"Wait," Seth began. "There is a bomb in-" 

"Do you know where the nearest lake is?" Cole interrupted sharply.

"Pretty far from where you are driving," Seth stated.

 "By the time you get in the lake, the bomb will detonate in the matter of seconds." 

Cole bit her lip then moaned. 

"There are some abandoned manholes though." Seth explained.

"Where are they?" I asked desperately. 

"Turn right," Seth instructed.

 Cole tightened her grip on the steering wheel and swerved right. I gripped the arm of the chair. I nearly hit my head on the handle. 

"Turn left," Seth said. 

Cole obeyed, earning myself a slap on the arm against the window.

Four hours later, Seth was barking instructions while Cole was driving like a drunken maniac. 

Every now and then, I keep looking at the red numbers of the timer. It was now eighteen minutes and twenty-four seconds. To me, it feels like we are wasting time on driving.

Cole drove until we reached into Chinatown, probably one of California's tourist attractions or cities.

 Red lanterns were hovering under the roofs of the stores and markets like balloons, people were walking to and fro to get to their specific destinations, and the coolest part was, I could see fancy skyscrapers a little bit further from here.

Cole beeped the horn of the car, begging the cars and civilians to move out of the way. When they couldn't move, she sighed in frustration. 

"What do we do now?" Cole groaned.

Captured: Luke's Perspective (Book Three)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum