Chapter 15: Trusting Issues

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"I understand that you two broke up," I said calmly.

"But-" "I know I screwed up," Zach began.

"I know that I picked fights and all, but I want Cole be by my side."

I stared at her in disbelief.

"You don't believe me, do you?" Zach sighed.

"I don't think Cole would like that," I explained.

"She told me that she likes to do things on her own without someone protecting her all the time."

"Cole hates that?" Zach asked.

I nodded very slowly.

"Cole is strong, smart, and knows how to handle things sometimes. If you want to be with Cole so badly," I advised.

"Change your attitude and don't get overprotective of her."

Zach ran his fingers through his head then adjusted the creases of his white Polo shirt and jeans.

"Thanks," Zach beamed. "For giving me the advice I need. In return, can I join your group?"

"What?" I asked.

"The Expedition needs a few members," Zach continued. "So, can I join your group?"

"I think two will be fine," I chuckle nervously.

I didn't like, or trust this lunatic. The last thing I need is for him to screw something up.

"Thank you for the offer, though."

Zach became very disappointed, but nodded.

From the corner of my eye, I saw something inside his pants. It was a orange bottle of medicine.

The pills reached to the surface, pressing against the lid. My guess is that he hasn't been taking them.

"Maybe you should move on," I suggested, wanting to protect my stubborn friend.

"Move on?" Zach repeat.

"I am sure there are other girls out there who would adore you," I said.

"But I want Cole," he insisted. "She is my friend too."

I didn't want to argue with him.

"Alright," I sigh. "It was my mistake. Just give her some space and in the meantime, she will be your girlfriend again."

I secretly reached into my jeans pocket and pulled out a tiny tracker.

Quietly, I dropped it into Zach's pocket and shook his hand.

"Thanks again for the advice," Zach beamed.

"Anytime," I said.

As soon as he left, I ran upstairs and turned on my laptop.

With the tracker in his pocket, I could hear what was going on.

I hear a few buzzing here and there, but nothing unusual. I immediately dialed Cole's number. Luckily, she picked it up.

"Hey Luke," Cole said. "How are-"

"Stay away from Zach," I warned.

"I think that guy is a psychopath."

"How come?" Cole asked.

"I saw a bottle of medication in his jeans pocket." I explain.

"It looks like he hasn't been taking them."

Captured: Luke's Perspective (Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now