Chapter 8

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Okay, so here's the next chapter. Hope you guys like it. It's uploaded on my phone this time so it may suck a little. Aha. NOT EDITED.


I scream out as the wolf jumps at me. Cosing my eyes, I readied myself for the impact of his blow. The feel of his claws digging into my chest and ripping out my heart. The feel of sudden loss of life. Of love. 

I scream once again, but when I dont feel any pain I open one eye slightly before opening another, to see that that the wolf had shifted into human form and was now standing a few breaths away from me. 

His eyes stared at me with a new found curiosity and I found myself taking him in. He had blonde hair and blues eyes and he seemed to be around my mothers age. A few years younger, maybe. 

"RJ?" His and my own eyes became wide as my mother's name left his parted lips. 

"Um..." I paused, not quite sure how to answer. "Do you mean Radiance?" I ask, cautiously. 

"Yeah. My sister. RJ." He confirms in a soft, gentle voice. 

"You--You're Benny?" I asked, shock present in my voice. 

"I go by Ben, now. But yeah, I'm Benny." He said with a small smirk on his face. "How do you know my sister?" 

"Your sister..." I paused once again. "She's... Well, she's my mother." I told him a small smile forming on my face at finally finding the uncle i've always wanted to meet and the brother my mother has always been longing to find. 

"That explains why you look so much like her. Apart from the hair colour, anyway." He smiled back a half-smile, a dimple appearing in his left cheek. 

"Do you..." I began unsure. "Do you want to see her?" I asked with a soft smile. 

"You'll let me see her?" He asks, his smile growing wider by the second. When I nodded he ran up to me and spun my around like my father used to when I was a little girl. "Thank you so much." He kept repeating into my hair while spinning me around. When we parted he places a soft kiss on my cheek and takes my hand, urging me to lead him towards my mother and his sister. The touch and kiss earns a growl from Cade. I had actually forgotten that he was there. 

"Who's this?" Ben asks, finally taking notice of Cade. 

Before I could say that he was 'no-one', Cade said the two words I dreaded more than anything in an overly happy voice. 

"We're mates!" He says smiling brightly. 

"We're not." I mutter to no one in particular. 

"We are." Cade nods, assuring Ben.

"Pretty poor excuse of one." Ben says and I laugh. 

Cade growls again. 

"What if I had tried to attack her. You did nothing to stop me just then." 

"I would have." Cade growls glaring at him. 

Ben puts his hands up in mock surrender.

Cade storms over to me, grabs my hand in a death grip and pulls me over behind a tree.

"What do you think you're doing?" I shout at him, trying to pull my hand out of his grip. It was hurting me. 

"Me?! What do you think you're doing?!" He yells back at me. "You don't know who that lunatic is!" 

"He's my mothers brother you fucking dipshit!" 

"You dont know that!" Cade retorts. 

"I can't believe you cant see the resemblance. Then again, you wouldnt." I smirk, my eyes twinkling with a newfound confidence. 

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