Chapter 20

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I hadn't seen or heard from Cade since he had taken me to Kaiden. He was distant. I kind of got the impression that he hadn't exactly wanted Kaiden and I to get back together despite helping us with the matter and I felt really bad for him, knowing how he felt about me. 

Even though Cade had been distant he’d still been incredibly sweet. True to his word he’d bought me the entire 6 season box set of the Vampire Diaries, going to extreme lengths to buy the full 6th season even though it wasn’t even supposed to be out yet. 

I was around the four and a half month mark of my pregnancy and would be able to find out the gender of my baby in my next appointment. Even so Cade had had been buying multi-gender clothing for him already although he didn't have to, but it’s not like I could tell him this as he hadn't been around.

I call my baby a ‘him’ because it was just a natural instinct for the mother of the tiny life inside her to have an idea of which gender the baby was. Kaiden swore up and down that he was girl as there wasn't us much kicking going on at the moment, even though I told him he would start kicking a lot in the upcoming months. 

Cade’s pack was prepared for the war, though we didn't know when, or even if, it was going to happen. There had been no traces of the rogues lately, no more attacks. Although this fact made me even more cautious. What were they up to? Clearly I hadn't been able to train the pack, but Jamie was doing just fine by himself and his lady friend. 

I know what you’re thinking, in the voice of Caito Potatoe ‘What the heck?’. When did this happen? I had no idea myself. I knew they were mates, I also knew that she was defiant to the idea of mates. I loved it, she was exactly the kind of girl Jamie needed to keep him in line. I got giddy with the idea of Jamie finally realising what it was like to have to work for something other than you're Alpha. 

I had wanted to see what Jessica was like and so we’d had a lunch date the other day. It was awful. Wait, no. She herself wasn't awful, in fact she was really nice and so lovely. But its not exactly great when you go out expecting to have a nice meal with a soon to be best friend, but it is ruined by people say that maybe you shouldn't indulge yourself with a triple cheeseburger because clearly its showing. I had then proceeded to burst into tears while Jessica bitched out the employee  for upsetting a hormonal pregnant woman. 

We then enjoyed the free food the manager gave us to apologise for the misunderstanding his employee had caused and then told said employee not to come in the next day. Or ever. He said if anyone ever treated his pregnant wife like that he would want them fired, too.

I kind of felt bad, but when I heard him whisper ‘Fat psychopath’ as he passed me once his shift had ended I didn't feel as bad. Bitch, I still got free food. 

Jessica and I had been inseparable ever since. Unless I was sleeping, in which case no one was allowed in a 15 metre radius of me.

Brought back to the present by kisses on my abdomen I chuckle. “Leave me alone, sleepy time.” 

“You have to go to your appointment with Patty.” Kaiden murmurs as he kisses a trail up my stomach and towards my lips. 

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