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OMG you guys are so friggin amazing. I love you guys so much. Not in that way though.. XD

Anyways here's the next chapter. NOT EDITED. I dont edit my chapters until the whole book is finished.


I awoke the next morning to someone placing featherlight kisses all over my face. 

"Mmm." I stretch my body out, arching my back. 

Kaiden groans beside me. "You enjoy torturing me, don't you?" He asks glaring at me. 

"Maybe." I murmur as I sit up placing a kiss on his jaw. 

"Come on, we're late." He smacks my bum before hopping out of bed and pulling some sweats over his boxers. 

I groan and crawl under the covers. Trying--but failing--to hide from what's to come. "I'm not here." 

"Scar, you and I both know that you are alive and present." Kaiden pulls the covers off me. 

I roll into my pillow and let out a muffled, "I no wanna go." 

"Scar, you have to. Now get your pretty ass out of bed and into the woods." Kaiden says from beside the bed.

I pout as I sit up. "Fine." I say. When I think he's not listening I mumble under my breath, "Mr Bossy." 

"Heard that." He calls back to me as he walks out of the room.

"Whatever." I grumble as I go to my suit case and get out some sweats and a black sports bra, exposing my belly-button piercing. The piercing was a silver wolf. I thought it was pretty cool. 

I slipped my arms through my black baseball jacket that had a red 'K' on the left side. It also had Kaiden's and my favourite number on the back. 4. Kaiden had the same jacket except where I had the letter 'K' he had the letter 'S'. 

I walk out of the house and Kaiden was waiting for me at the door. 

"Everyone else is already there." He tells me as he takes my hand and leads me into the woods. 

"Okay." I pause. "Race you." Before I even finish the two words I'm dashing away from Kaiden as fast as I can. 

"We'll see about that." He calls from behind me as I hear his footfalls on the ground catching up to me. 

It was then that I realised I didnt know where I was going, so I slow down and keep pace with Kaiden as we run together through the woods. 

"Kaiden, have you found your mate, yet?" I couldnt believe that I'd never asked him about his mate. It just never came up. It was actually pretty weird that after all these years that he hadnt found his mate. 

Kaiden suddenly stops in his tracks and stares at me. "Where did this question come from?" 

"I dont know. I just... never thought about it before. But now, seeing my mate again, I started to wonder if you'd met yours or you just hadnt found her yet." 

He shrugs. "Does it matter?" 

I was about to say 'no' when I thought about his question a little more. "Yes." I say quietly. "It does. We're together, Kaiden. A couple. I don't want to be with you one day and then the next day be last years trash because you found your mate. Yeah, I'd be happy for you, but I've already been rejected once. I don't really want to go through it again." I pause. "I dont want to fall in love with you, only for you to find your mate and forget about me." I say as tears begin to blur my vision.

"Hey, hey." Kaiden murmurs coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. "That won't happen. I would never forget about you. You're too amazing and kind. As far as mates go, I have found mine, but I... I lost her, to someone else. I know what it feels like to be rejected and it hurts. I would never want that to happen to you." He kisses the back of my head. "It wont happen to you."

The Alpha's Rejected MateWhere stories live. Discover now