CHAPTER 21 (Part Two)

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CHAPTER 21 (Part Two)


A/N: You'll know when to watch the video. But in case you don't it's when Scarlett goes to sing the song.

Also, I know a lot of people didn't like it when in TAATR Radiance could sing, but I just wanted to put it out there, that technically Scarlett can't she just thought it would be an important tribute to Kaiden.

That's all I have to say so...

Happy reading!


"Oh gosh, I am so sorry." 

And the pity begins. 

"How are you feeling?" 

The words barely register in my head as I tune myself out to my surroundings. All I know is that I'm at Kaiden's funeral and his parents and Cade are standing next to me. I vaguely hear Trisha reply as Brandon comforts her.

"Thank you all for coming and under such unfortunate circumstances." The funeral director speaks and everyone begins to quieten as the funeral service commences. 

I'm lead to sit at the front of the room, the closest to the coffin and I almost burst into tears. I can't believe he is really gone. He would have been such an amazing father. I bring a crumpled tissue to my eyes and dab as they begin to water with unshed tears. 

I reach my arm out, desperately seeking the comfort I need right now. Like a prayer, fingers intertwine with mine and clasp my hand in a firm yet gentle grip. Cade squeezes my hand as I silent reassurance that he's here and not going anywhere. 

As the funeral progresses people are called upon to speak. "We will now have Kaiden's fiancé come to the podium and speak." 

On shaky legs I make my way to the podium, disentangling my fingers from Cade's. 

"Thank you all for coming. Kaiden would of been so happy to know that he had so many people who loved him." I pause and take a sharp breath. "Kaiden Williams was such a good man to not only to me, but to so many people. I remember the day we met so vividly. I ran away from my pack and trespassed on his land and his brother, Daxton, brought me to him. Immediately we had a connection. He didn't care that I had trespassed, he just wanted to provide me with a home and happiness. He gave me so much more than that though. He gave me a tiny little life." I murmur, rubbing my belly. "So, to commemorate him, I would like to sing a song in his owner. I'm not that great of a singer so bear with me."

I clear my throat as Daxton comes to the stage and hops onto the piano. When he silently nods I begin to sing softly. 

"Go in peace,

Go in kindness. 

Go in love,

Go in faith. 

Leave the day,

The day behind us.

Day is done, 

Go in grace.

Let us go, 

Into the dark.  

Not afraid,

Not alone. 

Let us hope,

By some good pleasure. 

Safely to,

Arrive at home." 

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