Chapter 24

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Quick A/N: 

Hi guys, I hope you enjoy the chapter. I found it particularly hard writing this chapter because I wasn't sure how you'd react to certain parts. Let me know what you think by commenting because you know I love your comments. :) 




"Cade, can you get that!" I call out at the sound of the doorbell ringing. Jude is on my hip sucking his thumb into his mouth as he sleeps silently while I try to clean up the mess all over the floor. There are toys strewn everywhere and it seems that no matter how hard I try to keep the house half decent, the plan always seems to get thrown out the window as soon as Jude enters a room and sees his box of toys.

"Yeah." Cade replies walking from his upstairs bedroom into the living room before taking Jude out of my arms carefully. "You seemed like you had your hands full." He says as he gestures with one hand to the mess beneath our feet.

"Thank you," I murmur, gratefully. "Now go answer the door." I push him in the direction of the door as I try to neaten up the room. I felt sorry for whoever was on the other side of the door and was about to witness the mess that was our house. I wasn't expecting anyone and if I had been I would have cleaned the house earlier, but Jude was so restless today and didn't want to part from his mummy. God, I loved him. There were many things I regretted in life, but Jude was not one of them. I loved the little sighs he made while sleeping and the smiles that stretched his face and brightened my day no matter how bad it was. He was the best thing to ever happen to me and I would be forever grateful to Kaiden for giving me such a beautiful angel.

"I watch as Cade makes his way to the front door and stretches the door wide open, revealing who's on the other side and I smile at the pair of beaming faces that appear over Cade's shoulder.

I stop my cleaning to walk over and greet them, hugging the both of them as I do. "Mum, dad. What are you doing here?" I ask, confusion obviously written across my features as there eyes twinkle with amusement.

"Cade, didn't tell you? He thought you might need a night out to relax so he called us to look after little Jude."

I mentally smile at how sweet Cade is. Lately I do feel like I need a little down time to myself and it's as if Cade knows these things. I'm beginning to think he's psychic. But on the other hand I'm not sure how I feel about leaving Jude alone. I start to fiddle with my hands nervously. "What about Jude and if he wakes up? He'll want to be fed and—" I'm cut off by Cade as he takes my hands in his, stilling my fiddling fingers.

"Letti, there is an extra bottle of milk in the fridge if they need it. But you know how he is, and once he's out—he's out. Come on, you haven't been out since he was born."

"But—" Once again I am cut off, but this time it is just by the stern look Cade throws me that silently says 'you know you need this'. And secretly, I know I do.

After a few seconds, I relent. "Okay, okay. But if anything happens you ring me straight away!" I amend.

"We wouldn't do anything but." My father states cooly.

"Go get changed into something warm and I'll set Jude down." Cade says to me and nudges me with one hand upstairs to my own bedroom as he heads to Jude's adjoining mine.

Thirty minutes later Cade and I are leaving the house and heading to God knows where. I eventually find out when we reach the cinemas. It's not anything big, but really it's exactly what I needed. Just a simple night out, nothing too fancy.

When we find a park, Cade tells me to wait before speed walking to my side of the car and opening my door for me. He holds his hand out and says in a fake posh accent, "Milady."

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