Chapter 5

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OKAY GUYS, so I finally edited. Don't hate me. School was hectic. Plus, I typed this while sick. :( Who hates stomach bugs? I DO!

Anywho here's the chapter.



I watch, in silent shock as the two wolves grapple with each other. A millisecond later, the shock is replaced with fury. Stalking up to them--him mainly--I jump onto Cade's wolfs back and dig my heels into his sides. He grunts but doesn't take much of a notice. 

Leaning forward I search for his pulse point, but before I can touch it, he bucks me off and lunges for me, growling a warning. 

I snarl as I hop up, dusting my but off. As soon as he turns around I shift into my silver wolf and lunge for him getting a bite at his leg. Again all he did was growl. 

I scowl, murmuring incoherent words in my head. 

This time, when I lunge, I lunge on top of Cade's back. Yapping at his neck I zero my gaze on him. 

He tries to buck me off but I dig my claws into his sides and cling on. I can practically feel the anger radiating off him. Practically hear him yelling, "Get the hell off!" 

Oh wait, someone actually was yelling that. "Get the hell off him!" The voice said again. 

Cade and both ignored the voice and continued to grapple until he was underneath me and I was on top threatening to bite him. 

I looked at him, surprised, when he bowed his head in respect. 

Smiling to myself I was suddenly happy. That is until someone started ripping me off Cade, literally. 

Blood started to coat my fur as the shewolf dug her claws into my sides to rip me off Cade. 

I was flung to the side and hit a tree nearby, sinking to the ground. The wounds were deep and blood was coming out in heaps. 

I faintly heard someone yell in rage, not being able to recognise the voice though. A few seconds later I was being lifted and I howled in pain. 

"It's okay baby, it'll all be okay soon." Kaiden's voice reassured me as he ran me back to the pack house. 

Damn, only been here for a little while and already I was hurt. That was nice. The invincible Scarlett Maxwell was not so invincible afterall. Not that I was saying I was invincible. It was just something that Tristan and Christian sometimes said.  

When we reached the pack house Kaiden took me into a random room upstairs, placed me on the bed and waited for the pack healer to come. 

While we were waiting he put pressure on the wounds to try and slow down the bleeding, but it just made it more painful. 

A few minutes later, the pack healer came in with Cade and a girl around my age behind her. 

The girl walked over to the side of my bed with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry for hurting you. I just don't like it when people touch my mate." She whispered, sounding sincere. 

Mate? I asked silently with raised eyebrows towards Cade. 

He just raised his hands and shrugged. 

I turned to the girl and smiled, but realised after it came out as more of a grimace just looking at Cade and Kaiden's pained faces. "It's okay, really. I'd be doing the same if it was Kaiden." I reassured her. 

I almost laughed when I saw Cade's face when I said Kaidens name. He scowled at me. 

"Is he your mate?" She asked, sounding interested. 

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