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"Nadine?!" Harry barked as soon as he walked into his house. He was frustrated that she had failed to show up and collect his jacket as usual.
When the deafening silence answered his yell, a blow of reality struck him hard - she was gone.

"Dammit!" He cursed furiously as he threw his jacket somewhere on the floor.
Working eight hours in the family company was exhausting enough, now he was supposed to deal with his mess around the house?
Anger boiled like lava in the pit of his stomach, making him wish Tyler was close by so he could punch him till his rage dissipated.

He made his way to the kitchen, undressing along the way and leaving a trail of clothes behind him. By the time he got to his refrigerator, he was only in his boxers, a pair of gray socks, and a loose black tie hanging on his bare chest. For no particular reason, he had left it on him, creating a scrumptious sight for any sane woman, especially with his messy hair.

From the freezer, he grabbed a can of soda and shut the door.

It was extremely cold, frozen even. And just right for him to use the moon flames buried deep within his core.
His eyes began glowing a color that bordered red and blue, activating his flame to send moderate heat waves down to his hands. Some steam started rising in the air as his heart melted the frozen soda inside. But a single thought of Nadine crossed his head, disrupting the balance in his flames.

The can immediately exploded, sending sharp pieces of aluminum flying in all directions. Some managed to graze Harry's cheek and his arm, leaving behind a thin bloody line.

He huffed, surprised that he could easily be distracted by an insignificant human and lose his perfect control over his powers.

He looked at the tiny cut and chuckled.
"Ended up hurting myself, huh!"


The room was shrouded in darkness other than the sliver of moonlight pouring in through the balcony glass doors.
Sleeping under the covers, Nadine had already traveled to another realm that held no answers but was at least peaceful.
She felt that she did deserve this peace after what she had been through in Harry's house.  She didn't even care that she was in an unknown place with only one familiar person.

She trusted Tyler.
Trusted that he would look after her even though she didn't know the real Tyler Fox.

From the darkness, a feminine hand stretched forward and caressed Nadine's soft cheek. Its fingertips traced her jawline before curling a strand of her fiery hair.
"Beautiful," a woman's voice whispered. "You're such a beautiful little fox."

The hand diverted and traveled down to her chest. It brushed over her breasts, bringing her nipples to life. It continued playing with her breasts and stopped only when she stirred.

The hand retreated, vanishing in the shadow that had been clinging next to the bed.

Her eyes fluttered as they forced the brain to wake up the rest of the body.
After ten seconds, she was fully awake.

She could feel the firmness of her nipples, leaving questions of how they had grown so erect yet it wasn't windy and she wasn't horny.
Her dream had been normal, nothing erotic. So why did she feel like someone had touched her?
The mere thought of such a thing occurring pushed her senses on the edge and fear filled her chest.

Her breathing grew shallow as she whipped her head from side to side, searching for the entity that had left the lingering sensation on her skin.


"What do we have?" Tyler asked, his eyes running over the unclothed corpse lying on the table. An ugly gush ran down its chest and to its waist, spilling open its insides.

Two nurses were busy preparing Tyler to partake in the postmortem alongside his medical partner, Wren.

"Died six hours ago, no foreign scents on him, and definitely not the usual pack fights," Wren, a male who seemed to be in his late twenties like Tyler but was a hundred years old, answered.
His hair was ever messy blue mass which always annoyed Tyler. Other than his smoking habit, Wren Klein was the best partner any doctor could ask for.

The nurses finished dressing Tyler up, even throwing a special nose mask to dim his sharp smell sense.
Everyone knew, Tyler Fox hated the raw stench of blood whenever he did his autopsies.

He pulled up the rubber gloves to fit better as he walked closer to the table, stopping on the other side of Wren.
Their eyes met for a second, and Tyler huffed at the usual messy hair.
"Find a mate. Maybe she'll help take care of that-"

"Mate my foot. I've been doing fine on my own you buffoon."

Tyler simply shook his head before focusing all his attention on the corpse lying there.
He ran the tips of his fingers along the large cut, feeling the coarseness of the flesh left behind after such a brutal attack.
"Doesn't seem like it was a sharp weapon or claws."

Wren leaned forward while pulling down his mask. "Want me to lick it?" He asked in a teasing whisper, earning Tyler's scowl.

"I'll lock you up if you say such stupid-"

In a flash of a second, Wren grabbed Tyler's hand and ran his tongue on his fingertip, licking the tip while staring into Tyler's eyes teasingly.

Tyler only gave him a flat stare.
Working with a weirdo like Wren for a decade had him getting used to such odd games. But, since he possessed the moon's void, he could see into someone's darkness.
He just hated the idea of licking traces of that darkness from a corpse. Instead, he would occasionally lick Tyler's fingers to collect the information needed.

Tyler withdrew his hand while Wren slowly drowned in his mental ocean. His brown eyes were immediately consumed by a pitch-black void signifying his delicate state.

While Wren swam in the depths of the world's mysteries, Tyler started working on the corpse to get a clear autopsy from his own judgment.

The small brightly lit room remained quiet apart from the small noises coming from Tyler's tools. And after what felt like an eternity - five minutes, Wren snapped out of his trance in a faint inhale.

"Tail as hard as steel and sharp as a blade. That, that is all I got from the vision. Whoever killed this guy is definitely hella strong to leave such a thin trail."

Tyler frowned.
"You're telling me that the weapon used here is a damn tail?"

Wren sighed dramatically as he walked around the table. He halted behind Tyler and turned around, then leaned his back against Tyler's. "I find it hard to believe as well. But I saw a tail slice him open. I cannot identify the color nor the attacker."

Tyler angled his head to the side. "You've been out for three whole minutes you idiot. Is that all you got?"

Wren gasped jerking to stand on his own.
The frown consuming his facial features spoke of his shock. "Three minutes? But I've been in there for only forty seconds before I began feeling like I'd drown."

The scalpel in Tyler's hand dropped on the metallic table, cluttering noisily.
He frowned as well. Could these recent murders be related to this new entity?

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 09 ⏰

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