1) Seeing him naked

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If only forever lasted as it should.
If only love was as real as in the fairytales.


"Welcome home Sir," I smiled stretching my hand to take the coat from his arm, but he instead dropped it on the floor. My hands clenched into firm fists, my heart rate rising as the arrogant man walked past me without as much as a hello.

I bit my tongue hard till I managed to wound it. The taste of my blood was rusty and disgusting. But it wasn't nearly as disgusting as Harry's attitude. No words could describe how horrific and discourteous the third son of the Fox family was.

One could wonder why I still worked for such a bastard, well, I had no choice in the matter. It all started with a debt owed to them by my deceased father. A debt that made me want to resurrect him and then kill him again with my bare hands.
Some nights I turned sleepless whenever the reminder of my slavery crossed my mind.

One million dollars.
There was no way a secretary like myself could have come up with such an amount. I had had to beg them not to leave my mother and younger siblings homeless and instead take me as collateral.
I signed a twenty-year contract, a slavery contract in my opinion, unless I found a way to repay them the huge sum of money.

Harry Fox, the guy who had it all; money, family, women, looks. He was one of the famous bachelors of New York alongside his second brother, Tyler Fox.
They were dashing, flashy and so damn rich.

I remember how elated I had been when they asked me to choose between the two brothers whom I'd work for as a maid. Since I had always had a crush on Harry(had my gallery full of his photos from the internet), I naturally chose to work for him. It didn't matter that I would be a servant who would clean up after his mess, I just wanted to be around him.

But he disliked me the moment he laid his eyes on me. And from there on, my life had turned into a living hell.
Harry let go of all other household help just so he could make me suffer. In only one year, the bright warm feelings I had had for him turned into bitter resentment.
He made me regret not choosing Tyler instead.

I bent and collected the coat, every muscle in my body quaking with such deep anger.

"Coffee in my room ASAP," Harry instructed as he made his way up the stairs.

"Y-yes, Sir," I answered, adding venom to his title.

Gawd! I wished I could get rid of him. But the Fox family couldn't transfer me anywhere unless Harry's dad signed the permission letter.
Why he hadn't kicked me out yet?
Well, that had to do with the fact that Harry and his dad weren't on good terms.

His dad used me as a punishment for Harry. The more Harry wanted to kick me out, the more his dad made me stay. In all of that, I was a toy that was being tossed back and forth.

"Sir?" I called standing outside his door.
When there was no answer, I tilted the diamond knob- yep! His master bedroom was fitted with real hand-sized diamonds both inside and outside.

So was the chandelier hanging in the living room. Talk of a lavish lifestyle.

So why didn't such a wealthy family not pardon my family's debt? Reputation.
I didn't blame them that much, just felt the contract was a bit unfair. If I worked for them for twenty years, I would miss out on so much like dating, hanging out, and even having kids.
My only off day was on Sundays, which wasn't much but I made the most of it by going to my favorite places or visiting my family.

Pushing the door slightly ajar, I announced, "Sir, I've brought you your coffee."

No response.

He hated cold coffee. I'd be reprimanded if the cup in my hands dared go even a bit cold.
Afraid of a scolding, I pushed my way into the grand bedroom and left the door open. In short quick steps, I rushed for the night table, my breaths held to be as quiet as I could be.

He must have been in the shower.
At least I had an excuse if he found his coffee cold.

After setting the cup on the night table, I spun around to take off. But my movements were disrupted when the bathroom door clicked opening. My head whipped in its direction, a superficial grin plastered on my lips.
My eyes fell on a vision that they should never have.

Walking into the bedroom was a six-foot male, his wet shoulder-length black hair releasing little water drops all over his dry chest. But that was not the heartstopping part, Harry was...naked.

I can see it. Why can't I look away?
I screamed in my head, my eyelids peeling back an inch as my vision rammed over his groin.

Unlike the shaven pornsters my shameless eyes had ogled before on the internet, Harry's base had little pubes that laid facing his lifeless tree as if worshipping it.

I fell into a trance, failing to realize that I had stared at him all along until he got to me.

He bent over, my eyes still shocked.
"Seen enough?" His hot breath fell on my left ear, hauling me out of the shameless trance.

I jumped back and spun around, throwing my hands on my eyes.
"I-I-I didn't...I didn't-"

My stammer was cut short when two hands from behind gripped my wrists, and then a body was pressed against my back. I could feel it. It was resting right above my ass.
Harry placed his head on my shoulder and rubbed his lips on my ear. "You didn't what? Stare at me? Or liked what you saw?"


This was not how I planned my first time would be. I had always envisioned a magical romantic scene where the man would sweep me off the ground and carry me in his strong arms then lie me down in a gentle manner.

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