5) Seduce me

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      After their private meeting, Tyler had left. My Prince Charming just left without saving me from the claws of the dragon.
The time had come. And I was fully prepared for Harry's scolding as I cleaned the kitchen counters.
His footsteps were light as always, but I heard them. They stopped by the doorway for about five minutes. He watched me in silence for five damned minutes. He must have been preparing his harshest words or his cruelest punishment.

  My hands shook as I imagined what he'd make me do. Scrub the bathroom bare-handed? Clean all the walls in the house? Lick his feet? That last one was too nasty, ew!

    "Come here."
Finally, he spoke. Hearing his anger was less frightening than the silence he had spread in the air.

I dropped the towel in my hand and hurried over to him. "Yes, S-Master."
    My eyes were fixed on the floor, my heart beating thrice at its normal pace. Any second now and it would fly right out of my chest like a dart.
Harry didn't say a thing, tempting me to look up. But I gave myself a harsh mental slap and ordered my gaze to never move an inch from the floor even if the sky collapsed right then.

   "Were you seducing my brother?"

His words knocked my mental stability off balance and it toppled over as my mouth squeaked, "What? No Master!"

  "You!" He hissed.

"I swear. It was all a misunderstanding."
    Clearing my name of such an accusation mattered most to my virgin dignity. I had no such shameless thoughts, and if I did, I would never, in all nine hells, admit it to Harry.

    The bastard huffed as if my defense was just guilty mumbling. "Twice. You damn tits were out twice. What is that huh? What kind of misunderstanding?"
I bit my lips, my head still lowered. When he put it like that, of course, any sensible human would have a hard time accepting a concept such as a coincidence. But even the devil knew that I wasn't one of his. He would have defended me. He should have.

     "I swear on my-"

"I'll take his place. Now do whatever you were trying with him. If I'm pleased, I may...let this pass."

My head jerked up to meet his eyes.
   Was he implying...

My feet backed by two small steps. He was the most shameless bastard there could be. How could he demand such a thing with a straight face? Sure he had his girlfriends and he could pull in most girls. But I had lived with him for a while year, I knew all his dark sides.

   "What? Am I less of Tyler? Do I not look as handsome as he is?" Harry questioned moving forward. He sounded like he had brother issues rather than me 'seducing' Tyler.
        "Do it or I'll do it."

I hugged myself and shook my head, "This wasn't in the contract. I refuse to let you-"

His hand darted at me, grabbed me by the neck of my dress, and then tugged me forward.
The frail dress tore down the chest in a crooked line, but the sound was shadowed by my light scream.

    "Don't dare act all innocent with me," Harry hissed on my face, his hot breaths slapping my nose and mouth viciously.
Words failed.
Emotions welled.

Harry continued glaring at me while his free hand undressed my upper half. He brushed along my left nipple as he moved his hand around. The little contact made me gasp and retreat in fear.

   "You're going nowhere," he stated and the hand grabbing my dress moved to my back like a hook. "I want to remind you that you're nothing but a maid, meant to slave away your whole life for the debt your dear daddy left behind."

Oh gawd! I wanted to shove my face on a pillow and cry my lungs out. Why did it still hurt even after a whole year?
  He knew my weakness and he wasn't hesitant to use it against me.

     Harry's soft chuckle brought my attention to the crooked expression on his face. His eyes seemed to be ogling my chest in an amused way. "Look at these, already reacting to my actions."

   I followed his gaze, only to land on my erecting pink nipples that stood out from the two pale mountains. Harry's finger was half an inch away from the right nipple, a sight that terrified me, yet the curious side of me convinced me that I'd be fine.

     "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

Our eyes met.
He looked so evil.
So sexually wicked.
And I...I liked it

My nipples twitched from the inside at that shameful confession but I was not ready to face that sexual realization.

   "Please Harry, don't do this."

He frowned.
  "You just called me, Harry?"

Isn't that your name for chrissake? I wanted to scream at him in rage but held myself together for the sake of my family.

   I lowered my gaze and corrected the title, "Master."

"I said, don't act-" a large hand suddenly enveloped my left tit, "-innocent with me."

    I quickly slapped my mouth to cover up the loud gasp that had made its way, almost getting to the exit.
But damn, what what just happened?
   My enlarged eyes shot down to Harry's hand which was now on my tit. It almost covered the entire mold, with the nipple peeking out from between his fingers.

     What was this feeling?

For the first time in my life, a man was touching my breasts. It felt different from the countless times I had touched them.
His rough hand against the smoothness of my tit made me feel a string of warmth cross my chest and down to my core.

     Harry's gaze came scorching into mine, as he searched for something that maybe should have been there.
He chuckled wickedly without removing the hand.
    "You look like you're about to-" he started, leaning down to my ear, "-cry for your mommy." His whisper made my insides tremble to the intensity it held. How could this happen? It was a concept I had only read in the novels, never thought it would happen to me, or if it did exist.

    The hand on my mouth dropped on its own as weird feelings began to mix up within me like a human cocktail. I did like feeling his hand on my virgin tits, but I didn't like that it was Harry touching me.
Why wasn't it Tyler in his place?

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