chapter 373

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The doctor had obviously mistaken Braden for Braden's mother, and Elsa did not know if she should correct him or not.

When the doctor saw the awkward expression on Elsa's face, she asked, "Did I say something wrong, Mrs. Callahan?"

Elsa just shook her head. "No... It's just that... Braden is not.... Never mind... Sure, let's reschedule the next appointment."

She decided not to correct her and let her believe Braden was hers. But that made her look at Braden more closely.

She couldn't blame the doctor for assuming Braden was hers. She was Jeremy's wife and had brought the child to the doctor who was Jeremy's son. It wasn't weird for someone to assume Elsa was Braden's mother.

If only those words were true and he was her child.


Jeremy arrived in Victoria's room in the VIP section. He opened the door and found Victoria lying in the hospital bed.

Her mother and father were seated next to her, Rosanna holding her hand and talking to her in a calm voice.

Victoria was awake and seated in bed, listening to her mother. She was asking about Jeremy, and when he was coming to see her.

When she heard the door open, she looked in that direction expectantly. And the moment she saw Jeremy, she wanted to immediately jump out of bed and run to him.

But her mother saw this, she held her back and stopped her. "Victoria, you shouldn't get out of bed. You're still very weak."

But Victoria's eyes were only fixed on Jeremy. She asked happily, "Jeremy, you came to see me, right? You came all the way here to check if I'm okay, right Jeremy?"

Victoria was smiling at Jeremy, forgetting everything that happened between them previously, but Jeremy wasn't smiling back.

He looked at the couple next to Victoria and asked calmly, "Rosanna, James... Could you give us a moment?"

Rosanna and James were relieved to see Jeremy coming to check on Victoria and hoped that the visit would prevent their daughter from doing something stupid again.

So they gladly left them alone to talk.

Being conflicted on whether Jeremy should support Jeremy to stay with Elsa or Victoria, both the girls they considered their daughters seemed to want and love Jeremy.

As soon as they left, Victoria sat up straight and stretched her hand until she touched Jeremy's hand and held it in hers. "I knew you cared for me, Jeremy. Or you wouldn't come to see me," Victoria said happily and shyly.

Jeremy just observed her calmly before asking, "Why did you try to kill yourself, Victoria?"

The smile on Victoria's face instantly turned into a frown. She shed a tear as she said to Jeremy, "If I can't live with you, then what's the point of living?... Jeremy, you are my lifeline. Without you, I am lost. I would rather die than lose you."

Jeremy took his hand from Victoria and put it in his pants pocket.

"You already lost me, Victoria. There is no coming back for us," he told her coldly.

Victoria still wasn't giving up. She had to be Mrs. Callahan no matter what. So she decided to take it to the extreme in order to fulfill her dream. "Jeremy, if you push through with breaking off our engagement and never marrying me, I will try to kill myself again. And this time, I will make sure I don't fail. And you will have only yourself to blame when the girl who saved your life and dedicated herself to you commits suicide because you left her," Victoria declared tearfully.

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