chapter 324

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Rosanna looked at Elsa keenly. After Jeremy refused to let them test Elsa’s DNA, they paid off a nurse to steal it for them, and she did. When they tested it, it came out as ‘no relations found,’ meaning they were not related.

Rosanna and James took this as Elsa not being their child.

And that was solidified with the fact that Victoria had misled them into believing that Jeremy had come to John and they had played a trick to make Elsa and Gwen appear as different people. Victoria told them that Jeremy and John had worked together to fake Elsa’s innocence.

John was not in jail because of a crime. Jeremy paid him to be in jail.

This was all because she was the daughter-in-law of the Callahans. Since she died with the Callahan name still with her, because Jeremy hadn’t finalized the  divorce papers, they wanted to clear her record so they could make a stone for her in the Callahan mausoleum where the ancestors of the Callahan family rest.

Even in death, she was still known as Jeremy’s wife so Elsa was given a memorial tablet.

They didn’t want a wife of the Callahans to have a criminal record and ruin the precious legacy and image of the Callahans, so they faked her innocence in order to place her in the Callahan mausoleum, as per Jeremy’s wishes and the family’s tradition. With her ashes spread, her wedding ring was placed in that spot instead.

So Elsa was still the Gwen they despised.

This explanation made sense and seemed reasonable to them. The Callahans and the McConnells were not very different from each other. They both followed traditions made by their ancestors, and they both valued their image very much.

So the Callahans clearing Elsa’s name, even though she was guilty, was something Rosanna didn’t see as farfetched. With that in mind, Rosanna still saw Elsa as both Gwen and Elsa.

But with Elsa being alive, she couldn’t help but be confused. She wondered if the DNA they tested was Elsa’s. Because Elsa was dead when they took her DNA.

Could it be that she was alive when they took her DNA in that mortuary? Did she play dead? Was the person on that mortuary table her?

If so, then she wasn’t their daughter, so there was no reason to acknowledge her.

‘But what if the person we tested wasn’t Elsa? What if it wasn’t her and just someone who looks like her?

‘Maybe Jeremy knew this, that was why he refused to give us the DNA.’

She had to know this. She had to know what happened and who was in the mortuary. But she didn’t know how to ask such a thing at that moment, so she remained quiet and didn’t say anything until she found the right time. She would ask Elsa if she was the body in the mortuary so she could know for sure if Elsa wasn’t their daughter.

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