chapter 356

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Braden did not understand what that meant, ‘when you were in Elsa’s womb,’ but he didn’t ask. He was just too scared at that moment.

However, when he heard Victoria mention Elsa’s name, Braden quietly called out her name. “Elsa...” He could only hope Elsa would walk through that door and save him.

Victoria heard Braden mumble something under his breath, but she did not understand what he said. She felt so jealous of Elsa for having Braden. Because.... That meant that Elsa had slept with Jeremy.

Something Victoria never got a chance to do.

Every time she tried to sleep with him, he would give her an excuse and walk away.

Victoria had to resort to getting Jeremy drunk, hoping that alcohol would get him in the mood. Only for Jeremy to fall asleep immediately after Victoria took him to bed. And in his sleep, he would call out Elsa’s name the entire time, “Elsa... Elsa... Elsa...”

At that time, he still thought she was Gwen. But for some reason, he would only call Elsa’s name in his sleep. That made Victoria hate Elsa even more.

However, she took advantage of Jeremy’s drunkenness to deceive him into thinking they had slept together. She even stripped herself naked to sell the lie when Jeremy woke up.

When Jeremy woke up and found the buttons of his shirt unbuttoned and a naked Victoria sleeping next to him, he didn’t even look at her body.
He just quickly left without looking back.

And sometime later, Victoria came to him claiming she was pregnant and wanted to get married immediately so their child wouldn’t be a bastard.

But every time Victoria mentioned getting married, Jeremy would only say, "I will fulfill my promise." He had never once confessed his love for her, which annoyed Victoria.

The promise was made to her, but she was not the one who saved Jeremy, so it was not meant for her. So Braden was supposed to speed up the marriage process.

She had to induce labor in Elsa so she would give birth on the same day as her “due date.” That was the only way she could take Elsa’s baby and have it believed that it was hers. If the child was born on the same day as she was supposed to give birth to Jeremy’s child.

Remembering all that, she bent down to the child and pinched his cheek harshly, making the child wail in pain. “I hate you so much. I completely despise you... And when Jeremy and I get married, I will get rid of you! Do you hear me? Once we marry, I will throw you away!”

As Jeremy’s wife, she felt she could find a way to do what she had always dreamt of: sleep with Jeremy and get pregnant with his children. Something she felt jealous of Elsa for. And at that time, she would get rid of Braden so that Jeremy only had her children.

Jeremy barely paid attention to Braden anyway, so it wouldn’t be hard to harm the child, like she was doing right now.

“Mommy, you’re hurting me!” Braden cried in pain.

“How many times have I told you never to call me mommy?... I am not your mommy. Do you hear me?”

Braden did not understand. Victoria would always refer to herself as Braden’s mother, but when they were in private, she would forbid Braden from calling her that.

Victoria was about to strike the child in a fit of rage, only for the phone in her pocket to ring. It was the man she had instructed to keep watch over her mother.

"What?" Victoria said as she answered the call.

"I'm calling about Esther. She refuses to eat anything until she speaks to you. I even tried to force her, but she won't cooperate," the man explained.

Victoria did not want Esther to starve herself to death, so she decided to go. "I'll come see her right now."

She then hung up the call before turning to Braden. "If you say anything about this to your father, I will beat you to death," she threatened.

Victoria got up and left Braden crying and trembling on the floor. She got into her car without even looking for Jeremy and drove off.


Victoria arrived at the remote house where she had been holding her mother hostage. It was an old house in the middle of nowhere, a place where she knew Esther wouldn't be able to escape to the city on foot.

She found her mother in a small bedroom, just where she knew she would be. Esther was lying in bed with her hands tied to the bedpost, with no way to escape.

When Esther heard the door open and footsteps approaching, she lifted her head to see who it was.

Seeing Victoria, she didn't know whether to feel relieved or scared, especially since Victoria was walking in with a big grin on her face.

"Hello, mother," Victoria greeted her as she went to sit next to her.

Esther sat up on the bed, her hands still tied, and looked at her daughter with disappointment in her eyes. "How can you treat me like this, Victoria?" she asked.

"You're asking me why I'm treating you like this? You were about to get me kicked out of the McConnell family. Rosanna almost found out I'm not her daughter. I couldn't let that happen," Victoria shot back.

Esther looked at Victoria with disbelief. "Who is your mother, me or Rosanna? Who gave birth to you? Why is it so important for you to stay her daughter, even if it means breaking your own mother's heart?" Esther asked.

"Guilt-tripping me won't work, mother. The only reason you're still alive right now is because you're my mother. Otherwise, I would have killed you for costing me the Lion Cub position," Victoria replied.

"What about the position of being a Rowland? Have you forgotten whose family you belong to?" Esther scoffed.

Victoria scoffed softly in response. "You were the one who gave me to the McConnells, Esther Rowland. So don't act like I did this on my own."

Esther snapped. "Since I brought you into this, I'm telling you to stop now. It's game over." She shook her head sorrowfully. "I blame myself. You're becoming heartless and cruel because of me," she said, her head down in shame. She then raised her head and looked Victoria in the eye. "Victoria, stop what you're doing right now. Give Elsa back her child. And let Jeremy go. Stop trying to marry him already," she ordered.

When Victoria heard that, her face turned ugly with anger. She snapped disrespectfully at her mother, "No, I will not. I love Jeremy, and I'm going to marry him."

Esther rolled her eyes and scoffed. She then asked mockingly, "If you love Jeremy, why did you cheat on him with Raffi?"

Without waiting for Victoria to reply, Esther continued, "Even before Elsa came into the picture, you had Jeremy all to yourself, but you cheated on him and got pregnant. You came to me crying. When Jeremy couldn't sleep with you so you could pin the child on him, you got an abortion. So answer me, how can you say you love Jeremy when you sleep with another man on the side?"

Victoria had nothing to say in response to those words and looked away guiltily.

She clutched onto her purse and stood up from the bed, wanting to leave immediately.

Seeing how her words affected Victoria, Esther continued, "I remember you got pregnant again at the same time Elsa was pregnant. What happened to that child? Was it Raffi's too? Did you also kill that child?"

Suddenly, Victoria turned to her mother in anger. "Everything I have ever done was first and foremost to ensure our survival. You have the life you do because of Rosanna and Jeremy's connection to me. Don't forget that."

She then turned around to leave, stating, "Everything I did was because I had to."

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