Season 1: Episode 4

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Out fit up a head

Dylan and Mia were sat on a bench both holding a head color that belonged to the horse that was stolen.

When Marcus walked over Dylan stood up and walked away to give them some time alone. He put the head color of Dakoda in his stall ready for when or if he returns.

As Marcus was in the arena ridding Monty, all the girls stood by watching and drooling over his looks. Dylan stood on the side next to Ben who was trying to tye up Bob. Misty was eating straw as she was all tacked up and stood nicely.

Dylan was petting the side of Mistys neck and holding onto the reins as if the horse theif would take her any second. He loved his horses more than anything.

As Mia was saying she can't go on the hack because it wouldn't be right without Firefly, the brunette overheard and asked her about Fletcher, her third horse.

Marcus walked away after offering to help tack up the horse.

As everyone was all tacked up and walking the horses out, Mia was making remarks at Zoe before Pin on his horse Elvis came out. "Where's Marcus?" Questioned Mia.

"Hes with the little kids, Sam asked me to take the hack. Come on" Replied Pin before walking away. Mia turned her head to look at Suzie "And here I was thinking that stealing, getting arrested and being my brothers poor ex where his only talents." She smiled a smug look before turning around and walking away with Suzie behind.

Dylan heard and saw all of the commotion. He stayed in place which was visible to Zoe and Rosie. The two sisters where talking about how she should make up with Pin. The sound of that made a pang at his heart that was pumping hatred through every single part of his body.

He mounted the mare and took off with the heard. She went to the front of the group trying to communicate to the brunette but was just blown off.

"Becky, your in charge." Spoke out Pin which confused everyone that was there.
He took of riding in the opposite direction as to where they where going.

"Major, hunny, I know that we have not cantered before but now is the time." Spoke out Zoe as she was turning the direction to the same way Pin had went.

Dylan had a weird feeling in his gut and before he knew it Misty had went cantering off in that same direction. Pin had led them through a forrest and upto a beautiful green land place.

Dylan had slowed down from a canter to a trot. He was next to Zoe and Major. They went into the area that had pins house and car. All the memories that both Pin and Dylan had shared at that house such as their first kiss took place in that house.

The two dismounted the horses and walked over towards where Pin stood. While Zoe was terrorising Pin on her suspicious a small smile crept onto Dylans face at the memory of what was under the fabric.

He walked in between Zoe and Pin to have a look at the horse inside. He was followed by both Pin and Zoe. Mr Hawthrone looked other at the direction to see Pin with the two people he forbid him to speak to, Dylan and Zoe.

"You both should go now, dad doesn't want me talking to either of you." And with that spoken to both the brunette and the curly haired left and got the horses.

Dylan galloping ahead off Zoe. Which lead to him getting back to the others before the girl. His sister and her bestfriend had just started to leave as the others where all still sat around telling stories.

Dylan trotted over to them and all three of them went to the stable.

Wild Hearts Run Free [Pin Hawthrone X OC]Where stories live. Discover now