chapter 34

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zabdiel and i arrived at the airport we checked in but deep down inside me i'm wishing that erick is coming for me

"there's our gate" zabdiel says and we walk towards it

"do you wanna eat?" zabdiel asks me

"what about the flight?"

"it leaves in 45min so we're good"


zabdiel checked in his luggage while i kept mine since it's a small one and we both are carrying our back packs

"mira esta un chipotle, wanna eat that?"

"sure why not, chipotle be getting me full full"

"hahah alright let's go then"

zabdiel and i go to order our food at a chipotle that was near our gate and started eating and talking about how exited we were about seeing our mom again pretty much just the whole family

"how do you think mami is gonna react when she sees us" i ask

"she'll cry for sure"

"who knows that we're going back to puerto rico besides dana"

"nobody it's a surprise for the whole family" he informs me

erick's pov:

i started driving to the airport as fast as i could, y/n lives half an hour away from the airport so it's really not that far, i wasn't that worried that i wouldn't get to her on time but i was worried at the same time because i don't know what time her flight is

"you've got to be fucking kidding me right now"i say to myself as i see that i have stopped in traffic

i start honking and hitting the steering wheel and decided to try calling y/n again

"hello?" i hear from the other line i felt my heart warm up hearing that she answered the phone

"y/n! you answered"

"um no sorry this isn't y/n i'm guessing that this is her phone tho"

"what are you doing with her phone"

"i found it on a seat and i'm trying to find the owner of this phone, are you perhaps with the owner?"

"no not right now but i'm on my way, try calling a guy called zabdiel"

"okay thank you" she says then hangs up

"puta madre" i say to myself i tried calling zabdiel again but he didn't answer i decided to call him one more time, until he finally answered



"que paso erick"

"donde estas"

"voy para puerto rico a ver a mi mami, porque?"

"vas con y/n?"


"pásamela porfavor"

"no erick"

"porfavor zabdiel"


"pero porque"

"erick tú creas que es fácil ver a mi hermanita sufrir por tu estupidez? entiendo lo qué pasó en new york fue porque yo te dije que rompes con ella pero en la manera que tu lo hicisteis, i didn't like it you hurt her you traumatized her, then what happened here in miami when she took you back home from the restaurant, you either commit or leave them alone to prevent heartache you didn't do any, so leave her alone erick please"


"bye erick"

zabdiel hanged up really mad i didn't know that i traumatized her but like he said i'll either commit or leave them alone and i'm ready to commit to her i can't lose her i'm going to get her back and this time i'll keep her


i arrived at the airport and start making my way to y/n gate since i checked on the board which gate is puerto rico

i ran and i ran til i got to it

"excuse me is this the gate to puerto rico?"

"yes it was"


"i'm sorry sir but the flight to puerto rico just left, you were too late"

she left

she's gone

i was too late


i was too late•••••••••••••••________________________________

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