chapter 21

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joel and i kissed as the tiny waves went past our feet with our toes in the sand the breeze in our hair kissing in the moonlight

the most gentlest sweetest kiss i've ever had after me and erick in our new york drive in the city

joel's hands were on each side of my hips while mine were on his shoulders, he broke the kiss and stared at my eyes and then back to my lips and back to my eyes and smiled

"i wanted to do that for a while now" he says with a laugh that causes me to giggle

"then why didn't you do it?"

"because i know deep down that you still have those feelings for erick and he has them for you......i think"

"what? no those feelings for erick they're go-"

"you left with him last night when either me or richard could've left with him and stayed at his house and take care of him, but you wanted to go no matter how much you want to deny it"

"how do you know i stayed?"

"i went over your apartment to make sure you got home safe, no one answered the door i called you and you didn't answer either i called dana and she said you stayed at ericks"

"joel those feelings for erick aren't what you think"

his eyes shined as the moonlight hit them they were glossy

"you like him, you'll never like me y/n i found you beautiful since the moment i met you and the closer we got the more i liked you because of the way you are and seeing you all happy with erick and how you would blush when he would walk in the room and your eyes would never leave him and how your eyes glowed when you saw him how your smile grew wider, i was jealous i said i wasn't but i was because i want to be the reason for you to get like that"

"joel i didn't know i'm so sorry"

"don't be sorry we can't control for who we fall for but now that they want to make the public think that we're dating"


"why don't we actually do it like yes i
know you still have feelings for erick but look maybe i can help you get over him and you'll fall for me, but if you can't i'm fine with that i'm aware that it'll hurt if you tell me one day that you're still in love with him but i'm willing to take that heartache to have a chance to be with you"

"joel i-"

"please" he whispers as caress my face

"i'm scared"

"i'm not erick, i'll never you hurt like how he did"

i stare at his eyes and he gives me a smile to assure me that nothing will happen that he would never do that to me and not to worry

when me and joel became best friends we would talk 24/7 through text, call, facetime anything we would always talk

the more we talked i would question myself constantly "do i like my best friend?" but i would tell myself no but i would imagine me and him together and all of that like 4 weeks ago

but then i saw erick and he explained everything and joels right deep down i still do have feelings for erick but i'm also gaining feelings for joel

maybe i should give it a chance


"i promise y/n"

"okay fine let's do it, let's give us a chance"


"okay fine let's do it, let's give us a chance"••••••••••••••______________________________

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heyy como estan besties:))

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