chapter 22

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it's been a week since me and joel started dating we told our managers and they said that we can start with giving hints to the public that me and him are dating but not to confirm it and that my song won't be speeded up now

it's 6 in the morning and we're checking our bags at the airport with joel since we'll be visiting his family for his brothers birthday

"i'm so sleepy" i whine

"i know i am too" he says with a yawn following after his sentence

"love how we were too lazy to change into a decent outfit" i say

"love how we were too lazy to change into a decent outfit" i say

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"oh babe i forgot to tell you the other guys are coming too they're close with gabriel they're like family"

"oh okay yeah no problem" i say and then i turn around and see the group walking towards us

"why such a early flight" zabdiel whines

"that's what i said" i say and both me and zabdiel yawn

"morning sunshine" dana says

"don't even talk all chirpy to me early in the morning because it just throws me off" i say as i put my hand up in her face like the 'talk to the hand' thing and she and christopher laugh

"ya dejala she's sleepy" chris says to dana and he nods his head up in a wassup way and i do the same

richard then comes and dabs me up and says "sup" and i do the same back and nod my head up in a "wassup" way

"everyone here?" joel asks

"we missing erick he's on his way he was parking his car" dana says and then erick walks in with this girl and they check their bags and then walk to the group

"morning" the girl says with full of energy at 6 in the morning i already don't like her

"buenos dias" erick says

"whose that?" richard asks

"guys this is amanda my girlfriend amanda these are my friends"

"hey nice to mee-" zabdiel and i walked away before she finished her sentence because we wanted to go to our seats and fall asleep

we go and sit down on the chairs with zabdiel waiting for them to call our flight, we sit down and close our eyes and then everyone else comes and sits down

"passengers to california please aboard the plane" we all go up and aboard the plane me and joel look at our tickets and see that our seats aren't together

i go and sit down at my seat and then erick sits next to me

"what are you doing here?"

"this is my seat" he says as he shows me his ticket

"where's joel?"

"i don't know his seat maybe, but what's up with you and joel"

"i don't need to answer that"

"why do you always have to argue with me?"

"why do you always have to play me?"

erick stayed shut when i said that i rolled my eyes and put my airpods on and played some music and bit by bit my eyes felt heavy and i fell asleep

ericks pov:


ericks pov:•••••••••••••••_______________________________

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sheeeeeshhhh sup cuties;)

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