chapter 33

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as i got to my house i checked the time it was 8:57pm

" are you gonna go see erick?" joel asks since he came over

"i don't know"

"y/n you have too, i don't wanna play this card but i'm still heartbroken from our break up but i'm still here and for you to not go and get to him will be messed"

"i know"

"erick is out with chris right now" dana says as she enters my room

"really?" joel says

"yeah they're at christopher's place right now if you leave now you can talk to him there"

"you're right" i say as i get up and grab my car keys

"there you go y/n go get your man" joel cheers me

i wasn't wearing my very best outfit, i was wearing some sweatpants and a long sleeve crop top, i put my shoes on and tied them and open the door and see zabdiel there ready to knock

"que ases aquí" i say to him

"tenemos que hablar"

"okay pero al rato si? que ando de prisa, chao" i say and give him a kiss on the cheek and walk past him

"vas a buscar a erick, no?" i freezed when he said that

"ven aquí que tenemos que hablar" he says in a serious tone

i turn around

"y si no quiero?"

"es que no me importa si quieres o no, te estoy hablando como tú hermano mayor y me vas a respetar y te vas a meter a tu puto apartamento y vamos a hablar"

"fine" i say as i roll my eyes and walk back to my apartment

"i think i should leave" joel says

"take zylo on your way please" i say

"yeah sure" joel says and leaves with zylo

"i'll be in the room" dana says

"you're not going anywhere dana your ass stays here because we need to talk too" zabdiel says pissed off

"what's the matter with you?!" i yell at zabdiel

"what's the matter with me?! what the fuck is up with you?!"

"what are you talking about!"

"you and erick"

"what do you mean..."

"i specifically told you don't get with any of my bandmates didnt i?"


"but you still did it!! like i get it joel was for publicity and you guys ended up catching feelings i couldn't prevent that, but erick?! what the actual fuck y/n!!!"

"how did you know.."

"renato, i asked him why erick was leaving for italy, he assumed i knew and told me everything, what happened in new york and when you came to miami and you drove him back home"

"zabdiel i-"

"shut up y/n, you clearly disobeyed me and i told you to not get with them because i know how they all are, erick and christopher are the worst ones they're players y/n"

"okay but how come dana-"

"chris talked to me about it first, he asked me for permission then called dana's parents, it's different"

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