Chapter 1

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So, if you're one of those people who can read something while listening to music, props to you. Personally I can't do it, but if you want, the song for this chapter is Daylight by Maroon 5 (what Belle is listening to).



It was a Thursday.

I had been walking home from school when I stepped out onto the last street before my house. Maroon 5 pulsed through my headphones as I quickly glanced down both ways on the street. I saw my friend Gwen walking down her street a few houses down. Suddenly excited to catch up to her, I focused on the opposite sidewalk. I heard a muffled beep from my left and had just enough time to see Gwen whip around and watch her jaw drop open, screaming my name.


When I struggle out of the blackness, I hear my name being yelled over and over by Gwen. I'm aware of an incessant throbbing on my head. Lifting my fingers to my scalp, my fingers come away sticky and warm.

"Oh gosh, Belle! Are you okay?" Gwen asks frantically. I can't seem to move my mouth to respond, so instead I try sitting up. The pain in my chest is excruciating.

"Don't sit up yet," a gentle, yet firm voice says to me. I feel a pair of strong hands push me back down. I finally crack open my eyes and see a pair of shockingly blue ones looking down at me. Seeing me open my eyes must've set him off because his calm composure disappears and his eyes fill with concern.

"I'm so sorry, Belle, is it?"

I manage a minute nod.

"Belle, I'm so sorry...I-" he breaks off and tears well up in the inner corners of his eyes. I close mine, the pain becoming too much to bear consciously. I hear distant sobs.

"BELLE!" Gwen shrieks in hysteria.

"Come back...," he begs.


Ta-da! Hope you all like it. :-)

Feedback and critique are appreciated. :-)

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