Chapter 9

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A/N: It has been a while since I made a chapter. But still, No one commented that they wanted a recap. I GUESS NO RECAP.

Naruto Fact:(I don't know if you know this but) Kushina has red hair and Minato has yellow hair. Red + Yellow = Orange. Orange is Naruto's Iconic Colour.

Back to the Story:

Narrators Pov:

Its been one week since the graduation Exam and The Council Meeting.

Fire country, Konoha, Ninja Academi.

"Quiet down Students," Iruka said. This got everyone quiet. "As you know today is the day we assign Genin to teams," The same teacher said. " Where is Mizuki Sense," A Random Student asked. "Um, We found out that he was a traitor" Said Iruka

"If you only knew the whole truth," Mito reflected. Mito couldn't stop thinking about the whole thing.


Mito was at the Ichiraku eating Ramon. (Ichiraku is a Ramon Bar). "Can you give another bowl Old man?" Mito said to the bartender. " Another bowl of Misu Ramon coming up," Said The same bartender. 

That's when a man entered through the front door. "Hello, Mizuki Sense, what brings you here?" Mito inquired. "Hokage-Sama has requested that I bring you to his office," the man is now known as Mizuki Said. "All right, let's go," Mito said.

The two then proceeded to walk north of the village. The walk was deafeningly quiet until Mito said, "We're not going to Dad's office." Mizuki smirked, "Wow, you're really stupid, we're Ninja, we're known for deception, how can you trust me?" Mizuki replied. "What are you going to do with this?" Mito asked. Mizuki continued, "I am going to use you as leverage to steal the (Scroll of Sealing)"

Mito then takes a swing at Mizuki, but the white-haired Chunin grabs her hand and puts her in a headlock. The Chunin then smacked the blond on the head. He then moved his body to the Hokage's Office.

Minato was working on paperwork, muttering something about Stupid Paperwork, when a man entered the room. He took a closer look and noticed his unconscious daughter on his shoulder. He quickly became wary. "Why is my daughter unconscious?" Minato demanded sternly. "My, my, who do we have here, YOUR daughter," Mizuki said as he placed a kunai against Mito's neck. "What do you want?" Minato asked, still sternly. "I want POWER, The Scroll of Sealing," Mizuki said in a psychotic voice.

"So I don't have a choice but to give you The Scroll Of Sealing," Minato said, his voice tinged with rage. " You hit the nail on the head; I'll give you five minutes to hand over the scroll," Mizuki said in the same psychotic tone. "First, give me my DAUGHTER,," Minato demanded. Mizuki then burst out laughing. "Why are you laughing? You think this is a joke," Minato said solemnly.

"Of cause not, Why would you thi-" Mizuki was about to finish his sentence when a man appeared in a flash of shadows. He moved at breakneck speed, grabbed Mito, and appeared next to the Hokage. The girl was then placed on the table by him. He then jumped into the air, made a cross with his hands, and shouted Shadow Twin as a shadow appeared next to him, and a perfect replica of the man appeared out of the shadow. They each deliver a punch and a kick to Mizuki's face. Mizuki managed to getaway. Mizuki then delivers a floppy punch to the man's stomach, but he bends his body and avoids it. Mizuki didn't notice when a shadow appeared behind him and thrust a kunai near Mizuki's throat. " If you move you die, " The man said in a cold voice. 

Mizuki was perspiring. "Wow, Naruto, you're amazing," Mito exclaimed. "I thought you'd be knocked out," Naruto, the man is now known as Naruto, said. " Shadow places him in the Konoha Genji Keikai Shisetsu," Minato explained. "Yes, sir," Naruto said as he walked away with Mizuki.

FlashBack End.

"Hey Mito, Mito Uzumaki, Mito Uzumaki Namikaze!" Iruka yelled, snapping his fingers. " Huh," Mito exclaimed loudly. Mito appeared to have awakened from her trance as a result of Iruka's yelling.

 "Mito is daydreaming again."Menma remarked, Mito retorted, " Shut up, Menma."Mito retorted, " Quiet down, both of you," Iruka interjected. "Now that we've gotten that out of the way, let me tell you how the teams are chosen. The teams are balanced, so the rookie of the year, kunoichi of the year, and dead last will all be in the same team. That's going to change this year, because we'll have five genins in a team," Iruka explained.

"We don't want to hear about it," Naruko exclaimed angrily. "Yeah," yelled a random student. Iruka ignored them and continued, "I am proud of all of you for graduating and those who didn't, you tried your hardest, I trained you guys to the fullest extent, so please don't die, I am sure while you're on missions, you will see things that you would rather not see Killing, Gore, and several other stuff which you wouldn't want to know.............................."

"Grrrr please announce the teams" Mito declared. "Yeah, and sorry to burst your bubbles, Your speech is Bad, Like really bad, " Naruko said. Iruka grumbles "Fine, I will call out your Names, You better listen carefully," Iruka said.

(A/N Team 1-6 isn't discussed so I don't cover them)

" Team 7 Naruko, Mito, Menma, Sakura, Sasuke, and your team sense is going to be Naruto Kushi, Team 8 Hinata, Kiba, Shino, Sai, Tenten, and your team sense is going to Kurenai Yuhi, Team 9 is still a genin team, Team 10 Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, Rock Lee, Neji, and your team sense is Asuma Sarutobi " Iruka announced.

After 1 hour all the teams were gone with their Sense's.

I am going to end this chapter, I wanted to make this chapter long. 

The Next Chapter is: Chapter 10; Op and late sense

And also shout out to this Guy/Lady.

And also shout out to this Guy/Lady

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