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Ayat let out a sigh of relief and thanked Allah as she heard the door close

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Ayat let out a sigh of relief and thanked Allah as she heard the door close. She leaned her head back on the wall, tears falling out her chocolate brown eyes. Her tears finally came to an end as she slowly tried to stand up.

A hiss escaped her lips as she touched her bloody stomach.

Ya Allah, how much longer must this go on?

She held the wall for support as she limped into the bathroom. Her ankle was paining a lot, but it didn't hurt as much as her stomach did.

Once she walked into the bathroom, she looked into the mirror in her bathroom as she touched the bruise on her face.

It was blue, turning purple.

It wouldn't be gone till at least the next 2 weeks.

More tears rushed out her eyes as a sob escaped her pink lips.

She cried over her cursed fate.

But, she still didn't lose hope. She knew that her Allah was going to make things better and easier for her.

For after rain, there's a rainbow. After a storm, there's calm. After the night there's a morning. And after an end, there's a new beginning.

Ayat sighed as she calmed down. She limped towards the shower and turned it on. After taking a shower and a lot of hissing, she changed into a new pair of clothes, only after bandaging the bruises on herself.

Life had always been perfect for little Ayat growing up. She had loving, caring parents. A best friend that would do anything for her. Good grades. A nice house. A loving younger brother.


The first time she had met her husband, she fell in love. He was so nice, so caring and handsome. He also had a stable, well paying job. Everyone was happy with this union expect for her best friend, Eshal.

She had warned Ayat numerous times that her husband was not what she thought him to be. But naive Ayat didn't listen.

This caused a huge rift between the two.

Eshal threatened not to come to her wedding. And true to her words, she didn't come. As much as it hurt Ayat not to see her best friend at her wedding, she ignored the pain.

After her wedding, the best friends grew apart. They no longer talked to each other and became strangers.

Everything for Ayat was going wonderful. Her husband loved her more then anything, and always stuck by her side.

During her second month of marriage, she received devastating news. Her parents and brother had died in a car crash. The news broke her fragile heart. The parents that had always been there for her were no longer in this world. Her little brother whom she always cracked stupid jokes with was now with Allah.

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