Chapter 31

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It's been a few days since the Jess incident. I haven't spoken to Sam since then either. I see them walking around the hallways together and arriving to school in Jess' car.

I make eye contact with Sam from across the hallway but break it quicker than it happened before heading to my car. The bell had rang for lunch a few minutes ago and I was making my way towards the parking lot.

I sit in my car with the door open, my right leg hanging out over the pavement due to me sitting at an angle. I open my glove box and pull out a pack of cigarettes.

I put one between my lips before bringing the lighter up and activating the nicotine that would put a bit of wear on to my lungs.

I pull my leg back in and close the car door, I internally sigh. These past few days have been fucking hell but I'm not apologising cause I didn't do shit. And if Sam doesn't want to apologise then fuck her, I'm sick of the shit that comes with her aka Jess.

I finish my cigarette before throwing the butt out of my window and into the car park. I put my keys into the ignition and back out of my spot before driving somewhere to get lunch.

I walk into the cafeteria and sit at my usual table with some of my teammates I'm close with. I sit in the last seat that's designated as mine with a huff before pulling my food out of the bag.

I look up to see everyone's eyes on me, "what" I said angrily. "Is it true our list broke you and Sam up" Zoe said, the guilt was evident on her face. "Yes" I stated shortly to let them know I was angry at them all.

A few of them averted their eyes to anywhere but me clearly not knowing what to say. "And we weren't together to break up anyway" Zoe shifted from being under my gaze.

"But whatever it was we did have, you guys fucked it up with that shitty list" I motioned towards them. "And whenever I told you guys to scrap it, you all said it was just a funny thing you guys had made up and it wasn't anything serious" my temper was slowly spiralling out of control.

"Well look at it now, your fucking pathetic list just cost me someone  I could have formed a serious relationship with" The stress and betrayal in my voice displayed at how serious I was being.

Every single one of them was staring at me blankly. Well at least that's what I thought they were doing until I realised they were staring behind me. I turn around to see Sam standing about a foot away from the table with an unreadable expression.

She definitely just heard that. We hold eye contact for a few seconds before she turns on her heel and leaves the cafeteria without saying a word.

I turn back around and lay my head on my folded arms that were resting on the table. "I'm gonna head home guys tell coach I'm sick or something" I grabbed my backpack and made a beeline to my car.

I chuck my bag in the bag seats and just sit there for a moment. I slam my fist into the steering wheel, I was seething with anger.
Why would I ever say that out loud.

I pull out of my parking lot and head home before anyone can see me leave. I unlock my door and lean my forehead against it when it's finally closed shut.

I trudge into my bedroom and close the curtains before switching all of the lights off. Kicking my shoes off I pull my shirt over my head and climb into bed.

I woke up to the same dark room I had fallen asleep in, sighing I pull back the sheets and get out of bed dragging my feet to the kitchen.

I get a bottle of water out of the fridge and sit on a barstool at the kitchen island. I hold my head in my hands, my mind was going 100 miles per hour with all sorts of thoughts.

Thoughts I really didn't want to think about at the moment. What am I gonna do now. If Sam heard that and actually cared she'd have text me by now right.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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