Chapter 6

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SamEvans: I didn't know Taylor was your cousin.

Karin is typing...
Karin_King: Yeah, do you even know who I am?😂

Sam is typing...
SamEvans: Is it bad if I say no?!?🤭

Karin is typing...
Karin_King: No because I don't know who you are either so I guess we're even.

Sam is typing...
SamEvans: How I'm one of the most popular people in the school🤨

Karin is typing...
Karin_King: So am I! This is so weird... no offence.

Sam is typing...
SamEvans: Yeah it is kind of weird.

Karin is typing...
Karin_King: How do you know Taylor? you've got me curios now.

Sam is typing...
SamEvans: I met her at a party and she kind of kissed me😳

Karin is typing...
Karin_King: Ohhh so your one of Taylor's little play friends....

Sam is typing...
SamEvans: NO! it was a one time thing and she was drunk and caught me by surprise! I'm not a whore if that's what your implying😑

Karin is typing...
Karin_King: Not quite I was just asking if you were one of the girls she's played that's all... sorry if I gave the wrong impression!

Sam s typing...
SamEvans: Oh ok sorry for assuming that's what you meant😅 and not really it was just a kiss and we've had an odd conversation here and there.

Karin is typing...
Karin_King: I gotta go but I'll see you around school sometime?

Sam is typing...
SamEvans: Yeah definitely! I'll catch you later.

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