Chapter 20

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Well I'm now un-high. I had to go for an x-ray on my leg and there was a clean break in my fibula, which is the thinner bone in my lower leg.

So a hard cast is in place and I will have that on for about a month maybe more, we need to see how fast it heals before I'll know for certain. So I'm out for a good part of the season. Great!

I'm now in my car driving home. And no I'm not driving, I gave Sam my keys to go get my car and bring it to the hospital. She's the only person I'd let drive my car.

I got her to drive me to the beach house, I dont think I'd be able to face my dad in this state. It'd just make me more vulnerable and an easier target for him.

I hobbled in through the front door and landed on the couch with a sigh. I'm so frustrated, that's me out for the majority of the season and I'm supposed to moving into my apartment in a few days. How on earth am I gonna move furniture and unpack boxes. Life's just throwing a complete shit show at me right now.

Sam came and sat down beside me. "How're you feeling" she said resting her hand on my thigh. I took a deep breath in "do you want the honest answer" I joked cashing her to smile.

"Yes the honest answer" she replied. "Like my whole life has come crashing down around me" I said rubbing my face with my hands. "Karin you'll be back in no time, your out for a month at the most that's not too bad it could be worse" she reassured me.

I sighed again accepting everything that's happened to me in the past week or two. There's nothing you can do about it now Karin just suck it up and move on I told myself.

(Time skip 1 month later)

And that's what I did. The past month hasn't been the easiest of times but I got there in the end. I delayed moving into my apartment until I was healed so I've just been living in the beach house since then.

Sam came and stayed with me every few days to make sure everything was going smoothly and there was no problems. She'd also come and pick me up every morning and drive me to school before leaving me back home at the end of the day.

I wouldn't have been able to get through this without her. I'm so glad she came into my life, she's made it 100% better. She's honestly the best.

I got my cast of yesterday and I'm finally moving into my apartment today. I'm really excited I've been waiting forever to move in. All of my belongings have already been packed into boxes and put into it and I just need to do some furniture and decorating shopping today. Of course Sam insisted on coming to help.

I gave her a quick text before getting into my car.

Karin: Hey I'll meet you there at 1pm see you soon x

Sam: Yeah no problem I'll be at the entrance see you there x

It was 12:40 now so I got into my car and started driving. It would only take around 15 minutes to get there so I'd be a bit early. Eventually I pull up and make my way to the entrance, Sam already standing there.

"How long have you been waiting there" I asked her. "Only a few minutes, let's go" she said grabbing my hand and pulling me in.

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