Chapter 7

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Karins pov
My first day being a senior in high school, new year new me. I've said this for the past 3 years and I still haven't changed.... aw well what can we do. I close my car door and throw my bag over one shoulder before starting my final year of my prison sentence.

High school is exactly how you'd picture it to be, there's the rich white girls who run the school, the superstar jocks who 'get anyone and anything they want', the nerds who aren't socially accepted by most but do well academically and are most likely to succeed in life, all the sports teams male and female and then there's me.

My academic side is failing miserably, I'm socially accepted also known as the schools 'bad girl' just because I have some minor behaviour problems, and I can rip up anyone on the soccer pitch; I can swear by that.

Off to my locker I go I suppose, I crack it open with the side of my fist and everyone in the hallway jumps at the sound. It's just the way I open my locker because it's dodgier than a pedo in a leisure centre. Don't judge me.

Today is dedicated for the sports teams, seeing as it's the start of the school year everyone past or present has to try out for their team of choice.
Mine being soccer of course!

I walk through the hallways and down to the girls locker rooms to get changed. And yes that means that we have to change with the cheerleading team too. The lacrosse and volley ball girls use the locker room on the other side of the school.

I enter and seeing that I'm early (only because it's try outs) I'm the only one here. I go over to one of the corners and begin to change into my kit. My shorts are on first along with my Nike socks that go just above my ankle.

I take my T-shirt off and as I'm rummaging through my bag I hear the door open and someone walks in. Me being me I'm not fazed by this and continue to search for my jersey.

GREAT! My jersey isn't in my bag which means it's in my locker. Amazing. I'm standing in the locker room with nothing but shorts, socks and my sports bra on.

I turn around and realise that it was that girl Sam Evans that walked in. She looked at me with a smirk plastered upon her face. I am so confused. "What's funny" I say quizzical. "Your jersey is hanging over the wall above you"  she chuckled.

Me being me can't handle embarrassment so I end up saying "oh thought you were just enjoying the view" gesturing to my abs that poke through the skin on my stomach. Now I'm the one with a smirk and she's the one with a red face.

"Didn't know you were a cheerleader" I said my back turned to her as I begin to dress. "Didn't know you were a soccer player" she said. "Well now you do" I turned around and flashed her a smile and a cheeky wink.

"You can tell your a King" she mumbled. "What's that supposed to mean" I said defensively. "Your a player just like your cousin Taylor" she added. Wow. I was not expecting her to say that.

"Seeing as I know you don't know me I'm gonna let that one slide" I said concentrating on tying the laces on my boots. "Me and Taylor are complete opposites" I stated now looking up at her.

"I'll catch you later" I said mocking her as I grabbed my water bottle and walked out to the pitches. Who does she think she is. I'm nothing like Taylor, I've only ever been in 3 relationships and they all lasted at least a few months. I shook my head getting the thought of our conversation off my mind.

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